Monthly Archive: October 2018


Linky Friday: A Conspiracy, That’s What This Is

Linky Friday is Ordinary Times’ end of the week tradition of bringing links from across the web and around the world. This week conspiracy is the theme, with musical interludes and plenty to read, share, and discuss.

Thursday Throughput

No, a quarter of millennials are not experiencing PTSD because of the election. A few months after the election, college students were still a bit stressed by it. Which makes them like everyone else.


Charm, Charming, and Charmed

The term “Charm” isn’t used all that much anymore, and to be honest the last time I heard it used in day to day conversation was to sound purposefully formal in describing someone. So maybe there is something to the notion it has fallen out of favor.

Social Science and Fiction Part 8: War, Peace, and Betwixt

What battles are you likely to fight? Orc assaults will likely rely on superior infantry numbers, Gnoll infestations will be guerilla-style salt-the-earth raids, Illithid conflicts will be psy-op 4GW affairs, and if you have a dragon problem, you can kiss those thatched roof cottages goodbye (pace Trogdor). Will your bog-standard infantry/archery/cavalry mix be suited to defend the kingdom against these sorts of threats?