The New Need, Same as the Old Need
I watched the Top Gun: Maverick trailer. Hurry up and take my money, Tom Cruise
I watched the Top Gun: Maverick trailer. Hurry up and take my money, Tom Cruise
Most of the time, when using imaginary people to back up a statement, it points to being a lazy, unprepared public speaker.
The new strategy, same as the old strategey, only bigger, louder, and less filtered.
People talk about American Greatness. Well, astrophysics, if I do say so myself, is one the places where America is truly great.
The point is that I use literally anything else to delicately suppress the sentiments and sensations of life.
There are three tiers of presidential hopefuls right now: three Senators fighting for second place, the rest of the mess much lower, and Joe Biden all alone with a healthy lead.
Your Wednesday Writs for this week include eminent domain and little pink houses, creepy judges, Trump above the law, Trump violating the law, a true crime and literary fraud, a dumb criminal, and more.
But Justice Stevens was never easy to categorize nor predictably partisan. His 35 years on the bench gave him the opportunity to hear and decide cases on nearly every major issue of our time, from abortion to gay rights and gun control.
Exploring the means to protest and the means and ends of protesting.
To be honest, this is the first I’ve heard of Octonions, and when I first read the title, I wasn’t entirely certain they weren’t talking about a layered root vegetable.
Democratic primary frontrunner Joe Biden was unveiling his healthcare proposal, and the tagline he laid on folks sounds strangely familiar.
The sign of the times isn’t so much that Cronkite’s seat is changing hands yet again, but that CBS feels the need to explain why the format matters at all.