Election 2020 Chapter 6: The End Of The Road
Understanding these results in three parts: the polling miss, the fundamentals of the race, and the short-term future of American politics
Understanding these results in three parts: the polling miss, the fundamentals of the race, and the short-term future of American politics
From the Miami Herald: Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand Florida’s Stand Your Ground law — a move that critics say will allow armed citizens to shoot suspected looters or...
The answer is no, liberals and NeverTrump conservatives haven’t learned a thing from 2016 about the working class.
I have read through the 100ish page complaint by the Trump administration against Pennsylvania, and I’ll tell you what I saw:
Two pieces about the success of drug use ballot initiatives and what President-Elect Biden should do about marijuana legalization
Why did Trump do so well in the Rio Grande Valley? To borrow a phrase, Latinos are like everyone else, only more so.
On reasonable doubts of reasonable people, and the people who believe things that are wrong while casting shadows and flinging spaghetti.
From the New York Daily News: An NYPD officer and three others were busted for being part of a Dominican drug trafficking organization, federal prosecutors announced Monday. Amaury Abreu, 34, a nine-year police department...
Harsh Your Mellow Monday returns to deal with election analysis that only confirms your priors, voter fraud or lack there of, and Alex Trebek.
Since every other state in America had the good sense to finish up THEIR elections this week, that means all the attention is on us.
The United States has decided we want to work on the honor system for our elections, But we have ensured that no one has trust in each other.
Pessoa was that modernist type: a tiny man with a limited social life and an unfathomably rich and grandiose imaginary one.
Joe Biden has won the presidency. Meaning 70 some days to 46. Two years until the midterms. Four years before we do it all again.