Confederate Flags and Washington’s Football Team
So. Washington, D.C. has this football team. And it has a name. Some people want to change this team name, as it is flagrantly racist. I must say, seems rather reasonable to me. We...
So. Washington, D.C. has this football team. And it has a name. Some people want to change this team name, as it is flagrantly racist. I must say, seems rather reasonable to me. We...
It might not look like it, but Democrats are losing the government shutdown debate. The closer Congress gets to a deal, the less space there’ll be to negotiate when the next budget crisis comes knocking.
The phrase “driverless car” is clunky and imprecise. See that parking lot? Those are driverless cars. Ugh. Call them autonomes instead.
Every cloud has a silver lining. Even the one that he kicked up.
It’s a new season and Walking Dead is back! This is no doubt scant consolation for you Breaking Bad fanatics currently writhing in withdrawal symptoms with no hope of relief but for us zombie...
“A fair number of accidents on the road may indeed be attributable to car malfunction of one sort or another, and the number would presumably accumulate over a large enough span, but that shouldn’t be the question. The question should be the extent to which an annual (or less) check of certain things reduces them to any significant degree. And whether each thing we are forcing people to address, in itself, would save lives. How many lives, and at what cost?”
An intellectual acknowledgment of poverty is not the same thing as believing in poverty and acting accordingly.
I am married. My wife and I have a son. He is six months old. I have a job. My wife has a job. We both work full time. I am telling you these...
A Facebook friend, and fellow female professor, recently made a status update that mentioned that her students call her “Mrs. X.” She is unmarried and has a doctorate. She signs her emails with “Dr....
I once knew a fellow from an online forum where I used to hang out who went by the name Max Booty.
Nobody worry. Despite the government being shut down, the powers that be are still hard at work keeping our kids safe. From what, you ask? Stamps. That’s what.
Why does James Franco make people so angry? I’m glad you asked, Karina