Monthly Archive: December 2011

Alter tempore – out’s in free.

~by wardsmith Incumbent presidents are simply not expected to lose.  Even though Obama’s approval ratings are low, there really is no ‘A-Team’ of strong contenders to go up against him. The reason may not...

Left-Libertarianism and Ron Paul

I had hoped to avoid a formal foray into the inevitable dissection of Ron Paul, his newsletters, and his ties to the far right that seems to have hit right on schedule.*  As one...

A Very Merry Ron Paul Christmas

“The Christmas spirit, marked by a wonderful feeling of goodwill among men, is in danger of being lost in the ongoing war against religion. Through perverse court decisions and years of cultural indoctrination, the...

Merry Christmas

We will be gathering in Brooklyn later today. We are Christian, Jew, Atheist, Agnostic, Muslim (we buried our Buddhist earlier this year.) Our skin ranges from pale white to chocolate brown. There is hair...

Holiday Wishes Addendum

During the year of the 16 feral cats, I had a lot of vague “what the heck am I doing?” thoughts. They’re available behind the cut.

The Lazy Anti-Politics of the Paulites

Here’s how a reader explains to Sully why it is the newsletters don’t impact their support of Paul in 2012: The reason people are ignoring the 30 year old newsletters written by other people...

Season’s Greetings – Government Style

I wonder if I might crave your momentary indulgence in order to discharge a by no means disagreeable obligation which has, over the years, become more or less established practice in government service as...

Thermomixed Up, Part 5: Cabinet Scrapers

(Previously, Parts 1,  2,  3 and 4) My friend Bob Wise is somewhat of a celebrity in the world of self-built boats. He’s a celebrity because he and his wife commissioned, then built, then cruised a 38 foot sharpie...

GOP 2012: Worst Candidate Batch Ever?

It’s now Conventional Wisdom that this 2012 GOP bunch is the total pits, but objectively, the 2008 Democrats are right in there: Winner Division Barack Obama —First-term US Senator, spent Years 3-4 of 6-yr...

Power in (Small) Numbers

Responding to the recent decision by House Republicans to agree to a two-month extension of the payroll tax cuts — after an unseemly and unnecessary game of chicken during which, achieving the seeming impossible,...

The Ballot I Will Cast in the GOP Primary

Years ago on This American Life they devoted an entire episode ruminating on fiascos. In a segment that has become a radio classic (if you have never heard it, you really should – it...

Reasonable-ness, by what standard?

By request (or at least approval), I have produced a post on reasonable-ness. Note that this has nothing to do with certain kinds of legal standards People often say that something is reasonable to...

Dying on That Hillock

“In normal times, evil would be fought by good. But in times like these, it must be fought by a different kind of evil.” — Aereon, The Chronicles of Riddick It seems Ron Paul’s moment has passed...

Ron Paul and the People

I think John Nichols is way too excited about the unquestionably momentary and ephemeral Ron Paul boomlet; but this, at least, is probably correct: Ron Paul is not a progressive. He takes stands on...

Scenes from a boat-building, 12/22/2011

We are building a James Wharram designed Tiki 38, with additional engineering to meet US Coast Guard inspected passenger vessel specifications by John Marples of Searunner designs. What that means is that right now...