Tagged: 2020
Elizabeth Warren’s Big Bold Challenges
Elizabeth Warren May Just Be The Next Game Changing President – Or She Could Just End Up A Perfect Foil For Her Detractors
Elephants vs Pachyderms
Unlike Four Years Before, The Battle For The 2020 Republican Party Nomination For President Is A Boring One, And Yet Neither Is It Historically Insignificant
The Hedgehog Who Won
In short, the Republicans rule the Winter Carnival but sacrificed their tongue in order to do so.
Who Can Stop Biden?
Over three months into his campaign and two debate rounds later, Joe Biden remains the clear frontrunner. Can anyone else in the race stop him and how can they?
Tulsi Gabbard is What Donald Trump Could Have Been
Symposium: If you want someone who would make the changes Trump promised but hadn’t, then I can’t think of anyone better than Tulsi Gabbard.
Who Are We Kidding? Vote for Biden
Symposium: You want someone who can beat Trump. That’s the most important issue. Hell, that’s the ONLY issue. And Joe Biden can beat Trump.
Amy, I Think I Could Stay With You
Amy’s focus on sensible changes rather than sweeping reforms earned her the derisive nickname “the Senator of small things.” Maybe that focus on small things is the way to go.
Democratic Debates: Biden in the Middle
Night two of the second Democratic Debate has come and gone with a very simple dynamic: Joe Biden was center stage both in where he was standing and in being the focus of incoming fire.
Win it Warren
Symposium: With Elizabeth Warren, you have a candidate from a non-elite background, cares deeply about the struggles of everyday citizens, and one that rejects Trump.
Andrew Yang: Think. Different.
Symposium: The only thing we know about the future is that it’s going to be very, very different from the present. Andrew Yang knows that.
Vote Beto Because Why Not
Symposium: We need reconciliation and thus we need a candidate willing to help foster that.
Jay Inslee For President
Symposium: Vote for the candidate who believes there’s a real existential crisis that has to be addressed.
Symposium: Contributor’s Democratic Primary Endorsements
As is usual with the talented folks of Ordinary Times, the results were varied, as great writers took up the cause of their candidate of choice.
Bernie Sanders vs Bernie Sanders for President 2020
Joe Biden vs The Field
There are three tiers of presidential hopefuls right now: three Senators fighting for second place, the rest of the mess much lower, and Joe Biden all alone with a healthy lead.
Debatable: The Slog in South Beach Part 2
10 candidates, 5 moderators, 4 front-runners, and lots of cross talk: Night two of the Democratic debates is in the books.
Debatable: The Slog in South Beach Part 1
10 candidates, almost as many moderators, 2 languages, 1 glaring technical glitch, and a whole lot of crosstalk: Night one of the Democratic debates is in the books.