Monthly Archive: January 2012

On What Doesn’t Really Matter

Philip Kitcher expresses a frustration I’ve also had with Derek Parfit: Consider the case that Parfit refers to as “Bridge,” a variant on a much-discussed scenario. In the canonical version, five people are bound...

Rep. Jared Polis on his opposition to SOPA

The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive My interview with Rep. Jared Polis of Colorado is not as funny as Stephen Colbert’s Better Know A District bit with...

Squaring Up

This photo shows the starboard hull backbone, lined up on a zero mark (the blue tape), and blocked in place along a reference wire stretched along the floor. The lower bulkheads have been “welded”...

Stillwater’s Challenge

In the comments of my most recent post on abortion, Stillwater says that few people have non-contradictory views. I demurr and point out that I dont have any contradictory beliefs. If I find that I...

Batman and Civil Society

I have a long-ish post up at Forbes that the comic-book lovers among you, and those of you who enjoy Nolan’s Dark Knight films, might enjoy. I know the commenting is still sort of dark...

Grimly Dark Humor Places

It’s a sign that I am in a godawful weird place that this headline made me laugh hysterically. I think I may need to call this an early night.

Comment Rescue: Stereotypes

Joey Jo Jo says in two comments: In my opinion, some stereotypes are cheered here (including heroic contortions to portray them not as stereotypes) while others are roundly rejected.  this is fine.  the issue...

Ron Paul and American liberalism

If you were hoping for Ron Paul’s swift exit from the spotlight, you’re out of luck. With strong showings in the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary, the libertarian-leaning congressman will linger for...

Hobbes: Authority

Since Rufus and Jason have covered Hobbes in such excellent detail thus far, my contribution to this discussion will be more about tying up loose ends. As a student, I read Hobbes four different...

Crocodile Tears for Gay Conservatives

Over at Daily Caller, Lisa De Pasquale frets about the sad fate of gay conservatives: Everyone from Justin Bieber to Joe Biden has recorded videos in support of the “It Gets Better” project, which...

Don’t Be a Tellarite

“Tellarites do not argue for any reason; they simply argue.” –Ambassador Sarek On the “censorship” front: Here @ LoOG BlaiseP nukes a Tellarite; even the usually gentle Dr. Saunders goes to DefCon 2 on...

Theromomixed Up, Part 8: The Wristwatch Edition

(Previously, Parts 1,  2,  3 , 4,  5, 6, and 7) In the late-Ninties, after reading Dava Sobel’s Longitude I became semi-obsessed with the idea of owning a mechanical chronometer; that is to say, a watch that did not use a...

The Future of the GOP

Erik writes in one of his latest pieces at American Times: “…personally, but I see no reason why we need a more youthful modernized GOP when the Democratic Party is already leaps and bounds...

Diversity & The League of Ordinary Gentlemen

Responding to BlaiseP’s post on Ta-Nehisi Coates’s recent Atlantic cover story, Somni451 raised a question about the League’s diversity: This post reminded me a question I’ve been meaning to ask for a while. What...

Jon Huntsman, we hardly knew ye.

When your biggest supporters in print are people who won’t vote for you, your campaign’s in trouble.  The Liberals killed Huntsman with kindness, or at least that sort of condescending attitude which says “Hey,...

NYT Blog: Huntsman Out

“Mr. Huntsman, who had struggled to live up to the soaring expectations of his candidacy…” Nobody can make me laugh like the NYT when