Monthly Archive: January 2012

Something’s Rotten in the State of Our Union

Many have debated the President’s remarks from last Tuesday night’s State of the Union speech.  E.D. Kain thought it was very successful, providing the American audience with a “rousing speech about the American dream,...

Friday Jukebox

I did a quick check of the jukebox archives and saw that is woefully short on country and bluegrass. That ends now. First one of my favorite standards. JD Crowe and the New South...

Consensus on Charles Murray’s Quiz

There’s been a lot of discussion of Charles Murray’s “How Thick Is Your Bubble” quiz from Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010. Surprisingly, I think we all generally agree on a few...

No Points for Thinking of Richard Branson

I’m curious what left-leaning types around here think of Charles Murray’s quiz — How Thick Is Your Bubble? Here’s the underlying thesis: As the new upper class increasingly consists of people who were born...

Citizens United Vs. The GOP

I have yet another defense of Citizens United up, this time at my new politics-only blog. Please let me know if I’m full of it. And yes, I continue to shamelessly promote that blog...

David Frum Vs. The Liberal Media

As Peter Hart of Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting noticed, Newsweek, liberal rag that it is, has now subjected its readership to not one but two essays on the virtues of President Obama by...

On Justification and Argumentation

In a previous post, I wrote about abortion, which of course received some amount of pushback. However, I also got pushback from an unexpected direction. A number of commenters pushed back against trying to...

Note on Zola and heredity

How should we read Zola today? Reading his Nana, I was struck by a scene in which the corrupt journalist Fauchery writes an article attacking the well-connected courtesan at the center of the novel, and...

Arguing Racism

by Stillwater In comments in a previous thread, both Mark T and  James H suggested I give my take on ‘the racism in politics’ debate on the supposition that a concise and fairly clear...

Gingrich: The Wrong Conversation

One of the things that makes me a less-than-stellar blogger is that my mind works on a time delay. It takes me time to process information and determine what I think about it. And...

My Favorite Moments from Last Night

Last night’s speech had plenty of specifics that I could be critical of but I’d rather highlight the moments I enjoyed. The first came about halfway through the speech. President Obama talked about the...

SOTU Reactions

I never watch the damn thing. I hate applause. But here are my reactions to the prepared remarks. We gather tonight knowing that this generation of heroes has made the United States safer and...

A Primer on the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Welcome back, dear reader. Fresh from the waters of history, we move on to a different kind of ship. Today we tackle the beast known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The 21st century will see...

Go Fish!

  The stringers are the biggest change between the Tiki 38 as originally designed by James Wharran and the Tiki 38 we’re building. To meet USCG regulations both the number and size of the...