Paging Dr. Kübler-Ross
Burt Likko compares the bizarre subversion-of-democracy fantasies of Trump supporters with the actual law, and is unimpressed.
Burt Likko compares the bizarre subversion-of-democracy fantasies of Trump supporters with the actual law, and is unimpressed.
I realize this must sound like I’m reading the script of American Graffiti, but this truly was my life as an adolescent.
Game of Thrones IS the quintessential program for 2020. No toilet paper at all. Only the burning rage of a million irritated a-holes
Instead of dragging out all the tired Christmas clichés and 2020 jokes, I’ll just share a little story about a lesson learned and the spirit of Christmas.
I know every single one of you is wondering whether and in what ways I appreciate James Joyce’s work. So…In praise of (and in fear of) James Joyce’s oeuvre.
Why don’t Democrats win rurally anymore, and how can they start winning again? It’s really simple.
Enjoy the “Christmas Star”. The ancients thought such conjunctions were portent. Let’s hope this one portends a better 2021.
Eventually, The Mandalorian may get to a bigger conflict and heavier stakes, but it’s taking its time, earning those increased stakes.
If there is not a one atop the denominator, there is no longer a declaration of The Faith; instead, adherents are reduced to arguing probabilities.
Sometimes, economics is cold and hard, all moral objections notwithstanding.
The importance of public policy compared to the multitude of other factors is that it is the thing that we have the most control over.
It doesn’t have to be perfect or tour-quality. You like beaches? Castles? Mountains? Just pick a place and go.
Because part of becoming a modern adult is learning to hate everything that might have made you happy as a kid.
In eulogizing Chuck Yeager, a broken telephone pole in West Virginia seems an unlikely place to start. But it is the perfect place to start.
Enduring institutional death is a difficulty of another magnitude and rising again is all but impossible. But some can die healthy deaths.
I have seen many talking in front of I Love Me Walls: polished wood paneling and shelves festooned with flags, pictures, trophies, & plaques.
Faith and politics are not strangers in America, but this is coming at it a tad high. Did we as a people learn nothing from Star Trek V?
Superman, Gary Cooper, Straw Man Fallacy, and Hollywood’s 50-some-odd years of embracing the anti-hero to a ridiculous extreme.
Holiday memories force me to face my own mortality and reflect on my perspective of coming of age in a previous century.
It hurts to say Arecibo “was.” Not simply because it isn’t the largest telescope anymore, but because it is no more.