Category: Philosophy
Multiculturalism: Can We Talk?
Multiculturalism can be a good thing. Multiculturalism can be a bad thing. These statements are not mutually exclusive, though most people assume they are. At least in the United States, attitudes toward multiculturalism exist...
Soleimani: Cooler Heads, Measured Takes, and Abject Panic
Because nothing is ever black and white, I’ve learned not to take cues from the hyperbolic.
New Terms for Old Libertarians in the New Year
Over at Marginal Revolution, Tyler Cowen starts off the new year by proffering two new terms involving classical liberalism and libertarianism
The Debate over Ethics and Charity: Making it Rain on Skid Row Holiday Edition
The age old debate gets a new video to go with it. Charitable display? Dehumanizing look-at-me moment? Both? What say you, Comentareum?
Briefly, on the STEM vs Humanities debate
It’s one thing to be critical of some of the excesses. It’s quite another to suggest that there’s something inherently wrong with people who work within STEM disciplines.
Too Much Faith Following the Wrong Leader
Walk softly and carry a big spiritual stick, but the stick is called discernment and is used just as much to ward off people who claim to be of faith as those who are openly against faith.
Adopt, Don’t Shop
I want to drive home the point that if you’re looking for a pet, you should always think to adopt first.
Making A Conversation Out of Talking Points
Eventually narratives come into conflict with each other resulting in an unbearably shrill feedback loop.
Movie Notes: First Reformed
A (fairly) recent movie asks if God can forgive us for what we’ve done to His creation.
Churches In the Hands of an Angry God
The quick and easy response is that Christians really are guilty of everything attributed to them. But this explanation does not get at the heart of the issue.
Trophy Lives
It is epically discouraging to know that no matter how hard you try, someone else is always going to be better.
The Gig Is Up
Sohrab Ahmari is mad as hell and he is not going to take it anymore. He is shocked, shocked that drag queens read stories to children at public libraries.
Conservative Thinkers So Heavenly Minded They’re No Earthly Good
Outside the ivory towers of prestige publications and think tanks, something interesting is happening — or rather, not happening.
A Polish Joke
The whole point was to see myself through other eyes, note the differences in perception, and try to understand where they come from.
The Signals and Noise of Virtue
You cannot wholly condemn the signal without condemning what it signifies.