60<35(x), Where x>1.7
It literally would have been cheaper to buy a “crib” than to rent one for more than a single night at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.
It literally would have been cheaper to buy a “crib” than to rent one for more than a single night at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.
Be the first to guess why some, but not all, of the states (and Puerto Rico) are listed in this order!
At the risk of starting an intramural fight here at Ordinary Times, I’m highlighting Elizabeth’s recent article at The Week, Why Christians should forgive Fred Phelps, as a companion to Russell’s recent post If I...
The Pew Research Center tells us that reports of the death of the library have been greatly exaggerated.
So it turns out that I have a perfectly good reason that I won’t be able to make Leaguefest this year. Or, more accurately, I have two of them.
Try, after listening to this, to argue that there is no such thing as objectively great art. You’ll feel quite foolish.
Neil deGrasse Tyson’s new Cosmos shows that the easiest way to eliminate the theory of evolution is to leave it up to the free market.
One of the questions that’s coming up in the Right Path posts is, what do I mean when I say “the left?” Let me explain…
It’s Linky Friday and now you have a way to malinger productivity while reading random links embedded in wry comments that are only funny after you read the articles!
Small Gods from “Om stumped along a cobbled alley” to “The fundamental truth was that the handful of Ephebian guards in the palace had no chance at all.”
Trumwill is going to Las Vegas! Shoot him an email if you live there and want lunch! Reply to this comment if you have ideas on what he should do with his daughter while his wife is in conference.
Instead of calling just war theory a fraud, as Damon Linker does, I would call it a failure.
The second in a four part series that argues that the left is headed down the same path toward the wilderness that the right began two decades ago. Before we look at the left, however, we must first examine the actual path blazed by movement conservatives.