Ronald Reagan’s Missing Overcoat
How Reagan’s missing overcoat helped end the Cold War. When Donald Trump met Kim Jong Un at the DMZ, he failed to put something on him as well.
How Reagan’s missing overcoat helped end the Cold War. When Donald Trump met Kim Jong Un at the DMZ, he failed to put something on him as well.
It has seemed a waste of time to get invested in a candidate, but after the debates held the last two nights, I can now say there are some standouts for me.
I don’t want the extremely esoteric battle over what we call our immigration detention facilities to distract from what they are; a catastrophe, regardless of what you choose to call them.
Yet with all that training, we get no instruction about what to do when the accused abuser is a fellow teacher.
As always, there’s no shortage of hypocrisy in this world.
Every moment of your life you roll dice against death. Certain things load the dice in death’s favor. Other things load them in yours. But the dice never stop rolling.
The radical right is the most dangerous force in American politics today and we need to find a way to stop young men from being radicalized into it.
The Doolittle Raiders, as they preferred to be called, had long since planned for there being only one, and then none of them.
You cannot wholly condemn the signal without condemning what it signifies.
Imagine my surprise when I walked into my classroom, and strung across the chalk board was a banner reading, in big purple letters, “WELCOME TO EM CARPENTER DAY”.
Fake faces and real faces giving fake speeches and other forms of manipulation.
Love is an active decision we make after being thrown together by fate or destiny.
A decade after its release, we’re still wrestling with The Dark Knight’s murky politics.
Laws against price gouging don’t help the public during major disasters. In fact, they make the situation worse.