Monthly Archive: December 2018
Why Do Needle Exchanges Keep Getting Shut Down Despite Evidence of Their Effectiveness?
Even though a mounting body of evidence indicates needle exchanges can save lives, conservative-minded governments are stifling conversation on the topic before it even has a chance to begin.
Thursday Throughput
So … ten stellar collisions weren’t enough for you, huh? How about ten, ten colliding black holes! Hahahaha.
Real Fake News
Der Spiegel is a popular German news magazine, and is world-renowned for their in-depth investigative reporting. But now they are answering investigative questions themselves, as prominent journalist Claas Relotius has been found to be a fraud.
Enchantment and “Disenchantment”
Some new animated fantasy shows are definitely worthy of your time.
The History of Crisco, or What I Learned at Berkeley
How Berkeley – and Crisco – informed me that I was done with the technology industry.
Wednesday Writs for 12/19
Your weekly roundup of the best law and legal related links from around the web, including frivolous lawsuits, zombie chasing criminals, pro se babies and more.
In Which I Step in Some QAnon, and Can’t Get it Off Me
While I ponder how to extricate myself from the gooey mire of QAnon Twitterland, please learn a lesson from my folly: You cannot troll those who have attached themselves to perhaps the biggest troll of all time.
Tech Tuesday – 12/18/18
On a personal note, we spent the weekend in Flagstaff, and Bug got to see Mars through a 16″ telescope, and he got to see the Orion Nebula through the Clark Telescope, which showed him 8 baby stars and the glowing green gas of the nebula. Totally worth staying up late and standing in line in the cold.
Paul Ryan and the Beast That Didn’t Starve
The numbers do not lie: Paul Ryan’s tenure as Speaker corresponds to the most fiscally irresponsible period in American history.
An Old Problem in the Present Day for New Media
Whereas once they were thought to be climbing to success upon the dying corpses of newspapers and magazines, “new media” publishers and websites find times are getting tough. The same fate that brought low their predecessors, the drying up of advertising dollars, might be in the offing for them, too.
Formerly a Post on Consequentialism
There was a post here about centrism, but now consider it something of an open thread..
Ordinary World 17 Dec 18
Your Ordinary World for 17 Dec 2018 links to stories you need to read to start your Monday right, from great writers with unique viewpoints.
Sunday Morning: One of the books that got me through college
It’s not that Walter Kaufmann’s Faith of a Heretic saved my life. But it made it easier.