Linky Friday: All in Due Time
“I sit beside the fire and think
Of all that I have seen
Of meadow flowers and butterflies
In summers that have beenOf yellow leaves and gossamer
In autumns that there were
With morning mist and silver sun
And wind upon my hairI sit beside the fire and think
Of how the world will be
When winter comes without a spring
That I shall ever seeFor still there are so many things
That I have never seen
In every wood in every spring
There is a different greenI sit beside the fire and think
Of people long ago
And people that will see a world
That I shall never knowBut all the while I sit and think
Of times there were before
I listen for returning feet
And voices at the door”
– J.R.R. Tolkien
Linky Friday: All in Due Time
[Ti1] Real-time trolling: “Politics has always involved shadings of the truth via whisper campaigns, direct-mail operations and negative ads bordering on untrue. What is different this time is how domestic sites are emulating the Russian strategy of 2016 by aggressively creating networks of Facebook pages and accounts — many of them fake — that make it appear as if the ideas they are promoting enjoy widespread popularity, researchers said. The activity is also happening on Twitter, they said.”
[Ti2] It’s a matter of time before the stock market comes back to Earth, so what to make of this weeks “dip”: “Is It Time to Buy the Dip? Wednesday’s stock selloff was bigger than usual, but buying now depends on your investor psychology”
[Ti3] Will touched on this earlier this week, but some are saying it’s time for an Internet Bill of Rights.
[Ti4] Among other nuggets of knowledge discussed in the White House Thursday: “Becoming philosophical, (Kanye) West observed: “Time is a myth. All we have is now, all we have is today.”
[Ti5] Time is undefeated in sports, especially in football, as Eli Manning is finding out right now.
[Ti6] After two years of hand-wringing, time’s up on election security for 2018: “For many, the most intense race leading up to Election Day won’t be among politicians. It’ll be the mad, final scramble by county officials and tech companies to make sure your votes are safe from hackers. But with the slow pace of funding, unprepared campaigns and lack of cooperation among counties, many cybersecurity experts wonder if they’ll reach that finish line by the first Tuesday in November.”
[Ti7] The Fed disagrees about what time it is: “It appears that we have come to a critical crossroads: If the economy is decelerating but the Fed doesn’t see it, which would be the logical conclusion from the FOMC minutes and the Chairman’s remarks, then the danger is that, as they have consistently done in the post-WWII modern era, they will over-tighten with recessionary consequences.”
[Ti8] A baseball legend gets the Google doodle treatment: As a Pirate, (Roberto) Clemente would go on to win 12 Gold Gloves (tied for most among outfielders), four National League batting titles, two World Series rings, and the World Series MVP for 1971. He had a batting average of over .300 for 13 seasons and is credited with professional baseball’s only inside the park, walk-off grand slam. He recorded his 3,000th and last hit during the final regular season at-bat of his career in 1972. Hall of Fame numbers, for certain. But it’s also for Clemente’s humanitarian efforts that Google, in the spirit of Hispanic Heritage Month, dedicated its Doodle on Friday to the first Latin American player enshrined in Cooperstown.
[Ti9] Buying a little more time: “A federal appeals court has temporarily halted the execution of Tennessee death row inmate Edmund Zagorski to allow time for consideration of arguments that he had poor legal representation during his trial and sentencing.”
[Ti10] Speaking of death row, these 8 individuals on Washington State’s Death Row are going to having plenty of time on their hands now that their sentences will be automatically commuted to life. Here are some profiles, including serial killer Robert Lee Yates, Jr.
[Ti11] A little less President Trump in prime time lately: “As he’s ramped up his rally schedule ahead of the midterms, viewership numbers for the raucous prime-time events have been roughly similar to — sometimes dipping below — Fox News’ regular programming, and the network has recently stopped airing most evening events in full.”
[Ti12] Nikki Haley made headlines announcing she wanted some time off, prompting speculation as to what would be in her future. Many are pointing to financial motives, like this money article, but reality is even if you take the high number of $1M in debt, that’s probably covered quickly with some speaking engagements and other private sector work.
[Ti13] Time’s up for Sears, whose long, slow fight to survive might be ending as bankruptcy looms and some of it’s biggest lenders are pushing for liquidation.
[Ti14] “Three Myths That Explain Why Americans Don’t Know Much About History” though as in most things, it starts with how people are taught as children.
[Ti15] The owner of the limo company that was involved in the deadly crash in NY State has quite the timeline with the Feds: “Now, Mr. Hussain’s improbable journey — from asylum-seeking immigrant to petty criminal to trusted ally of government prosecutors, has taken yet another turn. His complicated past is central to the investigation of the nation’s deadliest crash in years.”
[Ti16] Well, that’s one theory of time: “The block universe theory says that our universe may be looked at as a giant four-dimensional block of spacetime, containing all the things that ever happen, explained Dr. Kristie Miller, the joint director for the Centre for Time at the University of Sydney. In the block universe, there is no “now” or present. All moments that exist are just relative to each other within the three spacial dimensions and one time dimension. Your sense of the present is just reflecting where in the block universe you are at that instance. The “past” is just a slice of the universe at an earlier location while the “future” is at a later location.”
[Ti17] Time is undefeated, even against 28 year old space telescopes: “Each time the telescope broke previously, a shuttle mission fixed it. “That we can’t do anymore, because there ain’t no shuttle,” says astronomer Helmut Jenkner of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, who is Hubble’s deputy mission head. “This is not a catastrophic failure, but it is a sign of mortality,” says astronomer Robert Kirshner of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass. Like cataracts, he says, it’s “a sign of aging, but there’s a very good remedy.”
[Ti18] Worth your time to find an obscure piece of history: “This D.C. monument is ‘virtually impossible’ to reach. Here’s how I found it — past the hornets, snakes and swampland.”
[Ti19] One of those “under the radar” indicators of what time it is economically: “Another element worth considering? The biggest buyers probably aren’t buying. It may seem counter-intuitive, but the largest single source of demand for American stocks is the American companies that issue them. Companies are on track to repurchase more than $770 billion in their own stock this year, according to research from Goldman Sachs. That’s more than twice the size of the next largest source of demand, exchange-traded funds, which last year bought $347 billion in shares. ”
[Ti20] Personal note: I hate the BMI, but not sure if this is an improvement, though: “It’s high time we moved past BMI — meet the metabolome”
Ti16: This is more or less what Boethius wrote fifteen hundred years ago.Report
More of a theological angle though, was it not?Report
Definitely. It’s been a long time, but my recollection is that this was to reconcile divine omniscience with human free will. God is outside the block universe and can therefore observe all of time and space, but humans are still puttering along that time axis, making decisions as they go.Report
Ti1: My community up in WA is considered ‘flippable’, and our Facebook groups have been starting to see more ‘members’ posting very political posts. Not just links, but personal posts.Report
They are adapting. Soon they learn to do steps, then watch out. (Curious who all gets that reference)Report
Ti14: I have a lot of complicated and possibly contradictory thoughts on why Americans are so bad with history and civics knowledge. Myth #1 has centered around something I long thought though. There is a semi-secret debate in America about the nature and purpose of education. Possibly in the world. I.e. What is the purpose of education? Is it to develop well-informed citizens with a thirst for knowledge who can participate actively in public life and be informed about public affairs? Or is it to produce people with the skills that allow them to turn a nation into an economic powerhouse? Both? Neither?
I think a lot of people including a lot of politicians will go for choice 2 and an education which is basically vocational/economically driven at all levels and this causes the arts and humanities to be seen as wastes of time and money. The problem is that most politicians are too smart to say this openly. When they do, they usually backtrack quickly. See Obama’s crack against Art History majors and Rubio’s crack against Philosophy.
A few summers ago I was on a trip to Russia. Most of the people on the trip did better than me in school at least when it came to paper grades. They also largely ostensibly went to more exclusive undergrads and grad schools than I did. They made more money. But a lot of them were impressed by my knowledge of history, art, literature, etc. This kind of awe-struck me and made me wonder what they were doing in classes.
Or maybe I’m just a nerd who does it wrong but I suspect that a lot of people in university, including hard to get into ones, are just there for the piece of paper and so they can get the good jobs/careers.Report
I remain unconvinced that Americans are more historically unaware than the citizens of other countries or even whether it’s a bad thing overall if we are. Most non-historians approach history as something like national mythology. Countries with allegedly history aware citizenry tend to know a list of deeds and grievances rather than real history like what passsed as historical awareness in the Balkans or Eastern Europe. That leads to know where good politically.
Citizens of certain developed nations seem more historically aware in the way that liberal historians like because liberal/leftist intellectuals have more media power. Therefore, the BBC can depict the horrors of the British past in a way that is difficult to do in the United States. In contrast, rightist intellectuals are more culturally empowered in Japan so what Japanese people know has a right-leaning tinge. Sort of how they tend to forget what side they were on in World War II. In America, few intellectuals are that empowered to impose a view and Americans are uninterested, so we appear as a nation of dolts.Report
Here is one anecdotal example but it contains evidence to the contrary.
There is a Japanese reality TV show on Netflix called Terrace House. Terrace House is Japan’s version of the Real World, more or less. It features a bunch of young and attractive Japanese people thrown together in a house. The show also features commentary and jokes from a panel watching the show.
On one episode one of the commentators makes a fart joke and another commentator says “What are you? An Edo-era comedian?”
On the one hand:
1. A fart joke is a fart joke but;
2. The commentator on a popular TV show made a reference to specific style of comedy that is hundreds of years old. Even if it is a fart joke, it is the equivalent of an American commentator making a reference to Falstaff from Henry IV if someone made a joke about Big Brother.Report
@saul-degraw This isn’t new, though. I mean, there were complaints about people like that being too large a population (or even a majority) going back about as far as universities do.
Abelard and Heloise’s letters contain complaints about this.
So maybe it’d be easier to just accept that such people will always be with us and that in some sense their aims fund ours?Report
The most likely reason is retention. People don’t retain knowledge from education they don’t use. Some develop an interest in history that lasts a lifetime.Report
Great comment. That debate goes back a long way, at least to the days of Dewey and James.
I feel children are often very ill served by this debate. As each side lobbies for their viewpoint (“the arts!” “No, the basics!” “no, job training!”) kids are supposed to learn more and more and more and there aren’t enough hours in the day for anyone to know everything about everything. Just isn’t possible to have anyone who is THAT well rounded by the time they’re 18. And because of the dilettante approach kids end up not really learning anything as well as they could have or should have if only there was more of a laser focus in the schools…on SOMETHING.
When I graduated I could sew an apron – badly, speak Spanish – badly, do algebra – badly, play volleyball – badly, type – badly, solve chemistry equations – badly, etc but I was pretty good at history and English and honestly would have very much preferred to study them all day long. And it all would have been ok I guess if I’d been in any way prepared to succeed at college or in the workplace by all that “exposure” but I wasn’t really. I sat through plenty of career classes and term paper writing units but that didn’t translate into any useful skills (other than footnotes, which I promptly forgot) Or even in life. I couldn’t figure percentages or even drive a car when I graduated. 90% of it all was simply a complete waste of time.
So I ended up poorly served by the approach in pretty much every regard and I was a good student with parents that emphasized education. Can’t imagine what it’s like for someone who legit doesn’t wanna be there from a family that doesn’t care that much either.Report
It would be great if we could have students take survey courses (for exposure) and then allow them to focus, but it becomes a question of resources. A big, urban district can have focus programs and schools, but smaller districts…?
I do wonder, however, how much online programs will enable focus learning.Report
I don’t know how long stuff like this can continue before the U.S. is out of time as a force for good in the world:
Which makes me think on Hillary’s comment about civility with people like this.
This was the conscious decision by a set of people, real human beings who made choices.
It wasn’t an abstract policy, it wasn’t some grand force of nature.
The people who did this, who decided to give the form to Helen, who coached her into scrawling her name, who upheld it- Why shouldn’t these individuals be publicly named, and confronted at restaurants, at their homes, at their workplace?
This is where my inner conservative flares up. This should be a taboo, something profane which offends the decency of anyone in a civil society.Report
A lawyer for DHS in Seattle also faked a document to deny an alien applicable relief for nothing but malice. He got in trouble eventually because a lawyer figured it and the immigrant has a green card now but the DHS lawyer added years of stress for no reason but pain infliction. These are evil people. They aren’t going to stop until stripped of power. Even if we win in 2020, the forces of vileness will not go back easily.Report
Ti20: I have apparently reached an age, because none of the docs seem worried about my weight any more. It’s all about how active I am, and the kinds of activity. The time on the bicycle and fencing is well and good, but they’d all like me to be lifting weights. The new insurance coverage that starts the first of the month includes a SilverSneakers membership and there’s a half-dozen places within three miles where that will let me lift for free, so I suppose there’s no avoiding it.Report
I grew to hat the BMI in the military, when despite being active duty, in the peak of my physical ability, running several miles a day, and being religious with the weight room struck that stupid chart as me being “obese”. Now I’m crippled, sickly, stick thin, and 70 lbs lighter and the BMI likes me just fine. YMMVReport
What kind of hat does the BMI wear?Report
What kind of hat does the BMI wear?Report
Read your first sentence.Report
For liberals, its the pussyhat naturally, to promote body positivity.Report
oh Lord. Commenting on phone never works out well, does it. Chip’s concept, while valid for some, would not be an option, of course.Report
KsE’s best days are long behind them but I can’t let that cover stand without linking to the original:
Cue some headbanger more hardcore than me to blast my occasional metalcore sympathies. I swear to Satan I got my brains turned to milkshake last time Pig Destroyer was here.Report
I was originally going to run both the original and this cover but with a feature piece on covers coming tomorrow didnt want to overkill the reference. I’m partial to Howard era KsE, but Jesse has been fine since his return. One of these days I’ll work Adam D running the table and winning everything on The Price is Right into a post.Report
I’m more into the Howard era as well, but Jesse did give them Last Serenade to end sets with, even in those days. If you ever write anything on KsE don’t forget the random Jesse appearance in Outside Providence.
Not sure if you’re in West VA still but there’s a band called Byzantine from Charleston you should check out if you haven’t. I’d call them criminally underrated but criminally unheard of might be more accurate. I finally saw them in Baltimore in a hole in the wall last spring. Other than the beer all smelling like puke for some reason I dare not speculate about it was a hell of a time.Report
Ha! Not sure how much love headbanging I have left in me. Actually have tickets gifted to me for FFDP here soon and debating if I can Report
I know what you mean. The rare occasion I go to anything I’m well relegated to old guy standing in the back. It definitely gets harder with a wife, kid, and respectable office job. But every once in awhile…Report
Heh, the wife and I have tickets to see John Doe next month and though I have seen him solo and with X before, at our age a concert sponsored by the university is just my speed.Report
I’m sure it will be good!
I think it’s awesome your wife will go with you to something like that. Mine is many, many wonderful things but a rocker is not one of them. I’m typically sent off with a gentle reminder that a hangover will not relieve me from my duties as a father and husband.Report