Monthly Archive: June 2015

Survey Says…?!

When the topic is “Worst Days in American History”, Ted Cruz has the memory of a goldfish.


Obergefell was announced by SCOTUS this morning. 5-4 in favor of same-sex marriage rights. Fourteenth Amendment requires a state to both issues SSM licenses and to recognize licenses issued by other states. Opinion by...

U.S. Grant, Artistic Genius…

“Grant arrived at his operational vision through perceptual speed and a ‘gift of historic imagination,’ that enabled him to ‘take in at a glance the whole field of war, to form a correct opinion of every suggested and possible…campaign, their logical order and sequence, their relative value, and the interdependence of one upon the other.'”

Delivering Due Deference

Chief Justice Roberts was nearly silent during oral argument, and then wrote the 6-3 majority opinion in today’s Obamacare case. Burt Likko replies to Justice Antonin Scalia’s accusations of through-the-looking-glass judicial activism.


No, you totally heard that so-called “new” song years ago!
