Whose White?
Everyone agrees that in the United States, whites vote GOP. New Dealer asks why it is, then, that he can’t find whites that do.
Everyone agrees that in the United States, whites vote GOP. New Dealer asks why it is, then, that he can’t find whites that do.
James Hanley proposes a No Rent Seeking constitutional amendment. The second in a two-part series.
I’ve spent the last couple days trying to get my new antennae working. I was hoping that, while my brother was in town, I’d be able to get some NFL games for him. Try...
Via BoingBoing, please enjoy an opinion piece on a controversial topic. The comments may be better than the OP, and that’s saying something.
If you want to use a sailboat as transportation rather than mere recreation, you have to get yourself into a Nineteenth Century frame of mind. But what exactly does that mean?
On average, men wait significantly longer for prostate cancer surgery than women do for breast cancer surgery – and a lot of people are calling foul. The lesson to be learned from this much ballyhooed statistic? That more and more, ideology is forcing us to choose narrative over data. Tod Kelly explains.
This is probably old news for a lot of political followers, but I was unaware this was something Democrats (and maybe Republicans? Don’t know) have been doing:
Scarecrow and a yellow moon, and pretty soon a carnival on the edge of town.
I plowed through Double Down, which I recommend if you are one of the relative few who belong both to the set of people who like politics and the set of people who are not...
James Hanley proposes a No Rent Seeking constitutional amendment.
When the alarm went off this morning, I did the quick “turn it off, turn it back on” thing. Then I realized that I could turn it back off.