Amazon will eat your children is running a long con that will someday make Walmart seem like the friendly neighborhood merchant. is running a long con that will someday make Walmart seem like the friendly neighborhood merchant.
Burt Likko’s been watching a little more television than usual. And he has a question.
The rest of this election season’s political ads will have a hard time living up to this gem from the Minneapolis mayoral hopeful.
I recently wrote about how radical intellectuals are treated as ipso facto irresponsible or abhorrent in middlebrow American ideas magazines where little comprehension of their thought is even attempted. I was talking about the liberal-ish...
Moderates and independents keep waiting for national defeats to force the GOP to change their ways. Tod Kelly asks if the party might be happy to stay right where it is, electability be damned.
Raylan Alleman believes you shouldn’t send your daughter to college. What is he thinking?
1.) At what age would you say it becomes inappropriate for a father or other male caregiver to bring his daughter/female charge with him into a shared men’s bathroom to relieve his needs? 2.)...
The second of a two-part series in which Michael Cain looks at smart electric grids and public policy.
This week: Diversity, Anglosphere, Death, Partisanship, Technology, Entertainment, Women, States, Health, and Education. And now, Videos!
“We can’t get mothers to work more hours. We’ve tried, and failed, for forty years. Mothers won’t bite for a simple reason: if they work 55 hours a week, they will leave home at, say, 8:30 and return at 8:30 every day of the workweek, assuming an average commute time. Most moms have this one little hang-up: they want to see their children awake. Increasingly, many fathers do, too.”
Given the chance to play God, what commandments would you give to a primitive people looking to build a civilization?
Vikram examines the usefulness of grading employees on a rigid curve as practiced by General Electric and Microsoft.