Monthly Archive: January 2012

Raising Cain from the Dead

It’s went pretty much unnoticed because of the rise of Mordor Gingrich, but on Saturday Herman Cain briefly reentered the Republican primary spotlight. It was certainly as much of a farce as his actual...

Live Up North?

If you do, be sure to step out tonight, preferably in an area clear of bright city lights or other light pollution. The Earth has been hit with a large coronal mass ejection for...

Win Or Lose In 2012, Obama’s Got No Class

Noting that, for the first time in a generation, inequality will be a major theme of a US Presidential election, Michael Cohen writes how the result in November may establish a new conventional wisdom...

Job Creator

Once upon a time I drove a Honda Civic CX and I felt like a patriot.

The Hunters of Kentucky

We spent 5 hours running beagles all over the hills of Green County yesterday.  The 12 gauge Ithaca I traded for last spring felt good in my hands and I was glad to have...

Note on the Old Man of the Mountain

In his voyage account from the 13th century, Marco Polo tells of “the old man of the mountain” (Book I: Ch. 21), or Ala’u-‘d-Din Muhammad, one of the last rulers of the Nizari Ismailis, a...

New Blogs!

I’d like to draw your attention to the latest TWO sub-blogs to go live at The League. Jonathan McLeod is writing “The 49th” – a Canadian politics blog with an eye toward American audiences....

Stop Censorship, Stop ACTA

I have a primer up at Forbes on a little known trade agreement, ACTA, which does all the bad stuff that SOPA threatened to do, only worse. Masked as an anti-counterfeiting treaty, ACTA threatens...

Vaka Motus

From the Pacific Voyagers website. Emphasis mine: The vakas are financed with micro-lending and built, maintained and operated by the local community. Taking pride in ownership, creates a commitment to better their villages and neighbouring islands.  Whether they take...

Newt’s Secret Ingredient

Just a reminder to all you fine ladies and gentlemen, I will be covering the 2012 election circus with a reasonable amount of snark over at my new American Times politics blog. I have a...

Race, Privilege, Music, and The N-Word

On Wednesdays on the Mindless Diversion blog, I’m quite regularly pleased to play one of my favorite songs or one of my previous favorites or something that just gets stuck in my head… and,...

As Old As The World

Rhetoric can reveal an unconscious trope moving — or maybe just stirring itself awake — within a society without attributing conscious malice to the individual speaker.  Thus the key line in Adam Kirsch’s consideration,...

Au contraire.

About that watch, my father e-mails: Au contraire. It was purchased in 1956-7 from the PX on our base near Gotemba at the base of Mount Fuji, selected from an array of Rolexes, the...

Grasping at Belief : Week 1

Yesterday I asked if anyone would be willing to assist me in a journey to see how I might reconcile my lack of belief with my desire for belief. Over the next few months...

A Quick Question for the Hive

As I’ve discussed in greater detail here, I am a non-believer that has always been drawn toward the idea of faith.  As I get longer in the tooth I find it harder and harder...

A Long Drink From The Well of Theocracy

It’s been over twenty-four hours since I wrote about Newt Gingrich, so I’ll complete my trilogy of observations about his insurgency here. I’d be less interested in Gingrich if it didn’t look for all...