Monthly Archive: January 2012

The Problem with IT, Part I

There have been a number of comments on a recent post that have glanced sidelong at a problem domain with which I’m reasonably familiar… and since we have a number of digital gearheads who...

Rural Mobility and Education Policy

From The Rural Blog: Studies regarding student mobility — how often students switch schools — has usually been focused on poor urban areas, but new research suggests rural student mobility may be as big...

In Which I Discuss Jonathan Franzen’s Remarks at Length

Speaking recently at the Hay Festival in Cartagena, Colombia, American novelist, Jonathan Franzen, attacked what he identifies as the impermanence of ebooks.  His following remarks are what Andrew Sullivan recently dismissed as “Wieseltierian piffle,”

A Grim Alternative

For most privileged, professional people, the experience of confinement is a mere brush, encountered after a kid’s arrest, say. For a great many poor people in America, particularly poor black men, prison is a...

The Third Tribe

Maybe this would be otherwise if I’d followed the discussions around here of Charles Murray’s Coming Apart thesis a little more closely, but I was struck by the math in David Brooks’ column* today:

Are Federal Workers Overpaid?

This CBO study is being touted as proof by conservatives that the answer to this question is a resounding “YES!”  Going nearly as far is Megan McArdle, who nonetheless argues that “the CBO’s data suggest...

Playwriting Contest

Hey folks! I’m getting back to play writing with a screwball comedy. It’s about a corrupt big city mayor who takes on some grand and insincere endeavor to improve his image. It has to be something...

Underripe Thoughts On Inevitable Litigation

The porn industry is quick to raise the First Amendment as its primary argument against governmental intervention of any sort. And not without justification — governments from the Feds down to municipalities are notoriously...

Is “Israel First” The Worst?

Responding to this Spencer Ackerman piece in Tablet, in which the senior writer comes down on the anti- side of the ongoing controversy over the phrase “Israel-Firsters,” Freddie has a spot-on summary of...

Grasping at Belief : Week 2

(Note: For those that are stumbling upon this enterprise for the first time, an explanation of of my Grasping at Belief posts can be found here.)   Lessons Jonah 3: 1-5, 10 1 Then the...

Insert Your Own McRib Joke Here

I’m currently visiting family in Oklahoma, the state that passed a law last year that made it illegal for judges to rule using Sharia instead of State and Federal law.  (Because clearly that’s where...