Thermomixed Up, Part 6: Enough is Enough (For This Year)

David Ryan

David Ryan is a boat builder and USCG licensed master captain. He is the owner of Sailing Montauk and skipper of Montauk''s charter sailing catamaran MON TIKI You can follow him on Twitter @CaptDavidRyan

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9 Responses

  1. Tom Van Dyke says:

    As a Philadelphian, the meat slicer is invaluable for a proper Philly Cheesesteak, one of the world’s great culinary delights.  Steak-Ums and other pretenders just don’t get it done.

    As chronicled here @, a bigass ribeye must be semi-frozen first, and the slicer set to its maximum precision.  Then you’re gold.

    One commenter there notes that Asian markets will sell you ribeye sliced exactly so. And wouldn’t you know it, just an hour ago, I was in my local Korean market scoring some kimchee and thought to ask for some pre-marinated Korean BBQ beef for our New Year’s feast.  And it was—ta-da—exactally the same as yr basic Philly cheesesteak makins.  So you can go there, too.  Shabu-shabu as well.  Vietnamese.

    And when I was mebbe 7, in a rowhouse in Philadelphia, Mom used to send me to Leonard & Leon’s corner deli, with orders for a pound of bologna, sliced thin.  Leon never failed to observe that no matter how thin you slice it, it’s still baloney.

    But y’know, he was wrong.  Thick sucks, thin rules.  Only a brute can’t tell the difference.Report

  2. David Ryan says:

    As with “steak” for dinner, I had heard about but did not understand the special appeal of cheese steak sandwiches until I was older and found out the steak was sliced very thin.

    Joe comes to work with a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter and a jar of jelly in his backpack. His explanation is that there’s no way of knowing in the morning how hungry he’s going to be at lunch. He’s been grilling his PB&J on the panini press and says it’s very good.


  3. Nob Akimoto says:

    I have to +1 on the joys of a deli slicer with all sorts of meat. I remember a butcher in Chicago that specifically kept a slicer that could cut meat extra thin, and he’d cut rib-eyes into a thinness perfect for sukiyaki and shabu-shabu. I loved that butcher shop…I wish I could find one like that in Austin that deals in both awesome, grass-fed beef, and also does that same slicing…Report

  4. Rufus F. says:

    I had a job a number of years back that brought me to Philadelphia for a day, so I took the opportunity to buy a cheesesteak from a street meat vendor. Holy Moses was that an eye-opnener! I think that was the first time I understood them too.Report

  5. BlaiseP says:

    Though my whole world fits into my truck, I’ve got some excellent kitchen gear.   But it wasn’t until my g/f got me a ceramic Yoshi Blade that I could really shave meat.   Yes, it’s one of those tschotkes you see advertised on late night TV and only cost 20 bucks, but it’s a superb instrument for slicing things thin.

    It came with a ceramic vegetable peeler.   Somewhere in the cavalcade of hotel rooms we’ve lived in over the last year, somehow that peeler got lost.   Undeterred, she went out and got another, just for the peeler.Report

    • North in reply to BlaiseP says:

      I find ceramic edges implements both fascinating and daunting. My brother once playfully tried to test a new ceramic knifes edge in the traditional way (thumb lightly on the edge) and slides a corner off the digit in question (the damn fool). I remain in awe that they can be so sharp, it seems almost magical.Report

  6. Christopher Carr says:

    I was a salesman for Cutco Cutlery for two summers in college. During our regional conferences, glowsticks were passed out, we listened to techno music, and we learned that Henckels was the Devil.Report

  7. Ellinoz says:

    Keep the turkey fryer. It’s clamtastic.Report