An Origin Story of Religious Populists
If evangelical political thought wasn’t formed within the broad swath of the conservative press, where was it formed?
If evangelical political thought wasn’t formed within the broad swath of the conservative press, where was it formed?
How often do we get the chance to link our discomfort with an apocalyptic orange sky to a decades-old sci-fi novel?
To dismantle the primary school system is not desirable, but it is necessary. What we have now is a triumph of the middle of the 20th Century…
Apparently it is some sort of time-honored ritual to make your meteorologist sacrifice themselves to the optics gods…but enough is enough.
The key to successful government policy is through perverse incentive mitigation, usually through the Law of Unintended Consequences.
I’m supposed to want justice, but I’m not sure what justice will mean for me. I have been wronged…But I have also wronged others.
We don’t live in a perfect world. This love of theory is why economics on an academic level is virtually useless.
When all the world’s a stage democracy is vulnerable. As the GOP moved from formative to performative the common good gave way to personality.
The fact “Flight 93 election” has been resurrected for this election, and will be for each successive election, gives lie to the premise
Race, and to a larger extent, identity and class tend to intertwine and leaders have long used racism to get people to forget about class.
The beauty of change is first a horror, the writhing, serpentine figure of death setting fire and killing by almost any means a mind can imagine.
Even though this answer is rather simple, the people in charge who could make a difference refuse to make the changes necessary and haven’t for decades.
There are no jobs, certainly enough jobs that exist in the kind of numbers that it would take to employ a mass exodus of Joads like me.
Encouraging the flourishing of the individual is the best way to encourage honest, fulfilling work. That doesn’t mean supporting labor.
I suspect the movement we’ll see from here will be minimal, meaning Biden will have many paths to 270 versus Trump’s little room for error.
The Tommy Shelbys and Nucky Thompsons of the world are parasites on the real men who make the world go round.
The two-page deal seems more like a list of good intentions, ambiguous promises, and an unspoken hope the hard decision can be delayed.
So much is happening right now that it’s hard to pay attention to any one particular thing, particularly my implausible escapades.
Civilization is a Faberge egg. It is not just LIKE a Faberge egg, it IS a Faberge egg. Civilization is delicate, intricate, exquisite, and rare.
Asterisms, personified as so many lords and queens, rule us, but they do not govern with a static scepter. The scepter is a prop, a baton, in truth, as they dance.