Fiction: Ghost of a Hundred Miles Too Late
It was so sudden. What a shame. How sad. We knew they had had a hard time, but we thought it was getting better. Why?
It was so sudden. What a shame. How sad. We knew they had had a hard time, but we thought it was getting better. Why?
Trump has built monuments to kitsch throughout his career, and it’s been key since he donned his first Times New Roman-fonted MAGA hat.
America seems to be heading down the road towards Weimar. Will we turn around and head back to Utah? I don’t know.
The fear of my father is transforming, evolving, not less in fear, but growing in it, producing a fruit, of sorts.
How a little fame, an ability to tell people what they want to hear, and a glib tongue will buy you the privilege of career survival
One woman’s dystopia is another’s paradise, but if *I* were to describe a dystopian leftist culture, I’d describe something like this…
Sacha Baron Cohen is the rich person’s Logan Paul, and just as repellant, just as much of an abscess putrefying in the belly of free speech.
These are the actions of a side that sees power as a birthright and separation of powers and constitutional restraint as obstacles.
The Barrington approach won’t bring back lost jobs. It won’t restore failed businesses. It probably won’t even achieve herd immunity.
Not two, not four, but six new Supreme Court Justices! How many new justices should Biden and Senate Democrats add to the Court?
The City’s catch-22: certify a test that left them open to a disparate impact suit, or refuse to certify and face a disparate treatment suit.
To say that something is socially constructed means, at least, that our social practices play a role in determining the content of some of our concepts
Don’t put YOUR unreasonable expectations onto the backs of the working poor. They’ve already got enough to carry.
People like Josh Hawley know what the end result of what they propose to do will be. Malice is the only word for it.
The preliminary results are in for New Zealand’s election 2020, the number of seats per party (for our 120 seat Parliament) are…
I’m an endangered species if not already extinct: a moderate Republican.
The Space Age has brought us miracles. Losing those abilities would be devastating. And losing a future of lunar bases, asteroid exploration and deep space missions would be a tragic cap on human ambition.
The American Solidarity Party color is Orange, their acronym ASP, and their mascot is, yes, a Pelican. Intrigued?
We should not reject the idea of white fragility. But we should beware of where it might take us if we’re not careful.