Painting With Sound: Beetlecrab Audio’s Tempera
There is nothing I know that gives a person this kind or amount of creative control over sound so intuitively.
There is nothing I know that gives a person this kind or amount of creative control over sound so intuitively.
A great example of artists mining an incredibly deep creative vein at a frenetic pace, a sound they were constantly honing both live and in studio
The film and music are simply two different expressions of the same ideas, the same core theme.
The best records are the ones that can both grab you immediately but also grow on you. Joe Hollick’s Rest Lessness does that.
The country genre implies the presence of certain tropes which The Dead South don’t employ. So, what is their sound?
Rare is the instrumental album which explores its theme in a coherent way to both artist and listener. Such an album is Dean McPhee’s Astral Gold
Talisk isn’t just your usual neighborhood acoustic Scottish folk trio, all jigs and reels and hornpipes, no
I call the way I approach film as “The Meh Plateau.” Most movies do not suck, nor are most movies amazing.
So, we can call “Nancy Drew” the mystery love child of “Veronica Mars” and “Supernatural!”
This week I will be covering punk rock outfit Rancid. The twist is the randomizer spit out an official/unofficial compilation of their best ska tracks.
On this week’s edition of the soon-to-be-popular Saturday Spins, a new release, really a reissue, by the little-known garage rock outfit, The Go.
The Captain Is Dead is fun and really difficult-to-win co-op board game.
In order to put my ~600 LPs and EPs to good use, and to continue my war against streaming music and other low-quality ways to digest music, I have conceived the idea of reviewing...
Runrig made, in my estimation, the perfect album with In Search of Angels. Most albums devolve into sulking or into joyful noise or rather serious introspection. It’s hard to find the right mix without being discordant.
A radical libertarian manifesto that deserves to be taken seriously – and rejected. A Review of Kevin Williamson’s “The Smallest Minority: Independent Thinking in the Age of Mob Politics”
Opining on the interwebs doesn’t have quarterly performance reviews, but if it did, let’s see how some of the words I’ve put out into the ether have held up.
On a great contemporary artist, a Bergman classic, and the cruelty and care of depicting others.
He gets torn out of a plane and plummets to his death. It’s great.