Category: Economics
It Really is All About the Money
Pretending to be bewildered at the failure of recruitment and retention efforts while denying that compensation plays a role is bad business, even for government.
Workplace Automation Stands to Hit Women Harder Than Men
Most, and probably all of these job functions, are on track to become partially or entirely automated in the coming years.
Will Millennials Ever See Social Security?
The future of Social Security is an open question. Will it still be around when millennials need it?
The Trade and Immigration Views of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are Basically Trump’s
I hope the future of the Democratic party looks more like this than like a nicer, kinder rehash of Trump’s broken agenda.
Don’t Raise Taxes to Address Revenue Shortfall, Cut Corporate Welfare
Targeted tax breaks have a poor track record, providing only 16 cents of economic growth for every dollar awarded.
Yes, Virginia, You (Probably) Got a “Tax Cut”
People want a simpler tax code … except for the mortgage interest deduction. And the charity deduction. And state local taxes, definitely. And daycare, obviously. And …
The Real Moochers of America
Everyone pays taxes, even if their 1040 doesn’t result in any more tax payment.
Stephen Moore Must Not be Confirmed
Stephen Moore is a political operative who happened to get some sort of economics degree from somewhere.
Gotta Be the Shoes, and That Might Be the Problem
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that happen in a basketball game before. As a metaphor for college athletics and college basketball in particular, it’s amazing.
Those Dastardly Billionaires, or Something
“Evil rich” and it’s slightly more polite colloquial cousin “greedy rich” are very old – and occasionally true – stereotypes, and will never go away. But we should not accept them on face value, and we certainly should not be making wide-ranging and binding policy based off it.
Linky Friday: Adventures in Amazon
Linky Friday this weeks delves into the world of Amazon: HQ2 cancelled, NYC reacts, business, economics, Jeff Bezos, politics, unions & more
A Responsibility to Find New Pain-Relief Methods in Midst of the Opioid Crisis
We need a brand-new approach to relieving human pain. Our existing solutions pack our prisons, sentence nonviolent offenders to life and exacerbate one of the worst and most avoidable tragedies in recent memory.
The Case Against the Charitable Deduction
Instead of raising tax rates on high-income earners, a smarter way for progressives to raise taxes on higher-income earners would be to eliminate itemized deductions: tax breaks that allow primarily upper-middle and upper-income earners to write off various expenses.