DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, ET AL. v. NEW YORK, ET AL. has been granted a stay by the US Supreme Court
The Supreme Court seems to make a move to limit Universal Injunctions on the part of Federal District Courts
The Supreme Court seems to make a move to limit Universal Injunctions on the part of Federal District Courts
Do we care more about some celebrity’s death than the thousands of other deaths? No. Not really. It just serves as a reminder of how connected we really are.
The First Chapter Of Election 2020 – Figuring Out The Faces Of The Party
Harsh Your Mellow on John Bolton, Resistance Unicorn Turned Book Salesman, The Bernfire of Vanities, Paula White Puts the “What the Heck” in Heretic, and Mike Pompeo’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad NPR Interview (slight return).