Monthly Archive: January 2016
Second-Guessing Confirmation Bias
Vikram thinks confirmation bias may be an adaptation to a bigger problem. Also, he finally saw Star Wars VII.
“I’m saying a prayer for the whole world, George.”
Godzilla, Speed Racer, and what it means to be mortal.
The Sounds of Conservative Silence
Right of center media is silent on the Flint Water Crisis. Do they have nothing to say?
NEET Games with Statistics…
Nob gets a bit nitpicky over numbers: Or why context matters when discussing statistics.
From New Jersey to Illinois…
A recent court case in Illinois may mean that not-for-profit hospitals will lose their tax exemptions.
Paging Dr. Saunders… Paging Dr. Saunders…
Can someone from the great state of Maine please explain their governor to me?
Linky Friday #148: Crime & Commerce
This week! Crime, Commerce, Education, Gender, Housing, and World!
On delineating the decades to a Millennial, and being unable to figure out when the Oughts ended.