Monthly Archive: April 2015


Periodically, we find a kid’s book that makes us say “We need one of these for (specific kid)!” and then “and we’d probably need another one just in case”.


Earlier tonight, a CNN correspondent suggested that people who were more interested in the riots in Baltimore than in the Correspondent’s Dinner go onto the internet to get news about them.


This post will be full of spoilers up to and including the S3 finale of FX’s excellent Cold War spy thriller / family drama / wig-extravaganza, The Americans. Click at your own peril, Comrade.

Context Matters: Netflix’s Daredevil

If you think about Daredevil within the broader limits of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe, your brain will explode like that one guy’s that Kingpin smashed in his vehicle’s door. So don’t do that.