Thoughts From Travelworld
It’s odd, really, how much travel I’ve been doing recently. I went nearly a year without any business travel and now it seems like every other day I’m away from home, in a hotel...
It’s odd, really, how much travel I’ve been doing recently. I went nearly a year without any business travel and now it seems like every other day I’m away from home, in a hotel...
Don’t look now, but Ontario just legalized prostitution, sweeping aside the country’s anti-prostitution laws. No word yet about whether Canadian prostitutes take Canadian Tire money.
Color me utterly uninterested that Rick Santorum uttered a naughty word or barked at a New York Times reporter. But since it appears we have to be forced to micro-focus on such non-events during elections...
Two short stories: Sometime in my late 20s I was up late at my brother’s apartment with some friends. We were having an impromptu band practice and enjoying a few beers. We heard a noise...
So what did I think? The Hunger Games is about the empire of economic necessity. If you’re a human being, congratulations. You’re playing the hunger games too. Within just a few hours, you will...
… sometimes in the next week or two, James K reads this book and writes a post on it.
As long as this is the conservative response to the liberal advantage in culture/media/etc, culture will… remain an uphill climb for the right.
My fellow gentlemen and dear readers may have noticed I’ve been scarce around these parts of late. Two weeks ago we got our structural approval letter from the US Coast Guard Marine Safety...
I know that this post is going to get me into lots of hot water with a number of guys (which I mean in the most gender neutral way) at the league here whom I deeply...
So, you know how my blognado was supposed to get my juices flowing again? Yeah, well so much for that plan. I can plead all manner of excuses: I’ve started a new project at work that’s tapping my...
Suddenly that ludicrous pick for my Cards in the finals for the League basketball pool doesn’t seem quite so crazy… What a game!
Reported via the wife’s facebook update: Hannah says, apropos of nothing,”I can’t see that because I don’t have too many eyes. I don’t have an eye in my stomach because then I would be...
Being a white male of means, I’m never entirely comfortable getting on a soapbox and talking about racism. You never know what is really in another person’s heart, and it’s difficult to unpack what...
One of the several bees who are long term residents in David Brooks’s bonnet is that a certain kind of love between teacher and student is what really spurs learning. Today’s iteration of the theme occurs...
I don’t follow international affairs as much as some people, but I actually had been keeping an eye on Mali due to one of the candidates being a BYU-educated Mormon. Now it looks like...
[Note: This is a companion piece to something I wrote earlier this week on the same subject but from a different point of view. In addition, while there are no spoilers per say, the way...
One of the inevitable election-year pundit cliches that always makes me cringe is this response to any accurate criticism of either party’s lack of promised execution: “Yeah, but it would be so much worse...
We seem to be getting a bunch of spammy comments lately. This reminds me that some day, I am going to write a novel in which all of the characters are named after spam...