Progressive Auto Registration

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.

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4 Responses

  1. David Ryan says:

    Fish’n’aya, dude.Report

  2. Tim Kowal says:

    When California’s registration spiked a few years ago, I thought I’d be smart and pick that time to buy a new used car under the old cheaper rate. Then cash for clunkers came out and spoiled my idea.

    Be thankful you don’t live under California emission standards. I just paid 2 grand for a new catalytic converter. Useless for driving, but necessary for registration. and my car has 2 of them. I wake up in sweats about the other one giving out.Report

    • Will Truman in reply to Tim Kowal says:

      This may be way off-base (I try to be suspicious when my biases are being confirmed – the emission standards in Cali may be in response to something federal), but it seems noteworthy to me that “Arapaho” penalizes those who drive nice cars (with presumably well-to-do owners) while California is incidentally going after older cars (with presumably harder-up drivers).

      Something like that would be really hard on the folks out here. Very, very few people drive new cars. Since so many drive trucks, and trucks are expensive, and people around here aren’t wealthy, they have to hold on to them for a really long time. And buy very used.

      Despite the fact that I am a hoity-toity new car owner (which makes me a bit self-conscious), it’s one of the things we like about this place. Lots of interest in my ’97 when I sold it. Such a car would have gone to the junkheap back home.Report

  3. Meaghan says:

    I just registered my motorcycle in for $48. My 12 year old car is just about double that. One more reason to move to Oregon?Report