Monthly Archive: December 2011

See No, Hear No

Ron Paul with his newsletter makes a good pair with Barack Obama and his pastor Jeremiah Wright’s rantings from the pulpit: See no evil, hear no evil. Brings to mind when Bob Dole saw...

Stupid Cameras, Spoiling Everything!

Earlier today Erik posted the CNN interview where Paul walked out of a CNN interview when a reporter had the audacity to not simply accept the dodge his campaign is pitching.  Better than that,...

Here Comes Iowa

I’m left with more than a little despair these days. Ron Paul’s newsletters and the implications of those pamphlets, including the enormous amount of money Paul made publishing them, are more damning than I...


A few months ago James Fallows sent me a photo of his son and new-born grandson, a cell-phone snap from the looks of it, and I was a bit surprised at the intimacy of the...

Ron Paul’s ‘Principles’

I’m tired of hearing Ron Paul referred to as the “principled” candidate. For one thing, men of principle do not make money by having racists tracts published in their name. I’ve been following Paul...

Thermomixed Up, a Pause

(Previously, Parts 1,  2,  3 and 4) A pause for some catch-up and dot-connecting. This discursive ramble of mine was set in motion when I read a piece by Reihan Salam and a piece by Megan McArdle.*...

League Feed

The only fix I could come up with for our broken RSS feed was to change the Feedburner feed to an atom feed rather than the regular rss feed we were using. I have...

Passing on Paul

And so now it’s Ron Paul’s turn. Like all those I’m Not Romneys before him, Paul’s quick rise seems further proof that the GOP base wishes to try on every bridesmaid dress in the...

Ron Paul, Racism, and War

First things first, I’d like to apologize to mistermix for the rudeness of my last piece on the matter. Mainly I was feeling jaded over various Twitter exchanges that occurred prior to my reading...

Thermomixed Up, Part 4

(Parts 1,  2 and 3) In 1982 my family moved from La Jolla, California to Ashland, Oregon. This was only a year or two after a terrible crime, and the kids in school were still talking...

“Kicking, squealing Gucci little piggy”

  I think meat tastes great.  I love me some buffalo smothered chicken wings.  It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without Turkey.  I reside near a Bobby’s Burger Palace, and live in constant fear of the tastiness made...

Thermomixed Up, Part 3

(Parts 1 and 2) I have had now, for some several months, a running correspondence with a friend on the idea of discipline as a route to abundance. After our most recent exchange, I...

Thermomixed Up, Part 2

  (Part 1 here) Megan McArdle, writing In Defense of Kitchen Gadgets: There is, of course, the joy of acquisition.  And why give that short shrift?  The high may be temporary, but the same...

Litmus Test

NYT reports House GOP members likely to reject the Senate’s overwhelming support (89-10) for the short-term extension of the payroll tax cut and the extension of unemployment benefits.