interesting facts
Here are some facts that I find interesting! The New York Yankees payroll is about $65 million dollars higher than the next closest team. That is an interesting fact! That means that the gap...
Here are some facts that I find interesting! The New York Yankees payroll is about $65 million dollars higher than the next closest team. That is an interesting fact! That means that the gap...
The Old Women of the Ocean by Pablo Neruda translated by Jodey Bateman To the solemn sea the old women come With their shawls knotted around their necks With their fragile feet cracking. They...
Deadspin highlights one British viewer’s opinion of American Football: As far as I can see American football is a marathon of budweiser adverts occasionally interrupted by some “talented bloke” chucking a rugby-like ball to...
The Census Bureau reported Tuesday that 15.8 percent of Americans lived in poverty last year, using an alternative method to analyze their numbers provided by the National Academy of Sciences. This is significantly higher than the...
I have no idea why cap-and-trade is an issue in Virginia’s attorney general race, but Republican candidate Ken Cuccinelli had this to say on the subject at RedState (note: “Ration and Tax” is Cuccinelli’s...
VP Smackdown: Asked about criticism from former Vice President Dick Cheney, current VP Joe Biden had a simple response: “Who cares?” Actually, he said, “Who cares what — ” and then stopped himself. “Yeah,...
I don’t care how good they say Windows 7 is, this is still the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Ever.
For a long while last year, I flirted with the idea of voting for Obama. But after he showed a lack of backbone on warrantless wiretapping and the Libertarian Party nominated a reasonably serious...
So after Mark’s bleg yesterday, I decided to set up both a donation and a subscribe option for readers in the sidebar. You can donate whatever amount you’d like to the site on a...
Here’s an interesting back-and-forth on surveillance reform in the Los Angeles Times. I found the arguments against modifying the PATRIOT Act frustrating, not least because they don’t seem all that responsive to the civil...
This is crazy, and it’s kind of sad I didn’t hear about it until just now, given it happened pretty much in my backyard.
In an otherwise decent piece about Harry Reid’s continuing attempt to corral support for the public option, this paragraph sticks out like a sore thumb: Just six weeks ago the public option appeared to...
Transplanted Lawyer has the first – and thus far, only – truly sane take I’ve seen on the matter. I was thinking about writing a post on this subject, but T.L.’s post says all...
According to the Government Accountability Office, the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) may not have actually accomplished anything. UPDATE: Here’s the full report. I think the Examiner editorial over-sells its premise, but this line...
And predictably, it’s filled with distortions, half-truths and misrepresentations (full transcript here):
As much as I hate to say it, Newt Gingrich does have a point here: Through my experience as Speaker of the House and building a Republican majority in 1994, I have learned that...
As the League enters its 10th month in the blogosphere, we find ourselves with more traffic than I think any of us had anticipated. We also find ourselves rapidly approaching the date upon which...
Sully points us to a portion of a recent interview between (I’m not making this up) Hugh Hewitt and Richard Dawkins. The whole interview is here. Andrew’s commentary is worth the read, particularly in...