Birther Trainwreck Comedy: Civil Procedure Edition
Let us all bow down before the legal genius of Orly Taitz and her minions, who have managed to conclude that a scheduling order entered while a motion to dismiss is pending is proof-positive that the Court intends to deny the motion to dismiss. Even better, Ms. Taitz appears to have also concluded that “you do not finalize dates unless there will be a trial,” never mind that whole “summary judgment motions” thing. Trial attorneys should remember this logic the next time a Court schedules something of theirs for oral argument and then decides not to hear oral argument and just rule on the papers, or otherwise enters a scheduling order while a motion to dismiss is pending.
But lest you think that the comedy in this theater of the absurd is solely of the trainwreck variety, it’s well worth reading the US Attorney’s response to Taitz’ paralegal’s (apparently a disbarred attorney himself) demand to begin discovery (scroll down to the end of the above-linked post). I’m always a big fan of history-based comedy, and that’s as fine a use of it as I’ve seen in awhile.
UPDATE: Goddamn, this just keeps getting better.
Don’t Taitz Me Bro!!!Report
That’s a Kipesquire response I got on my Facebook page. 🙂Report
At some point I should try to figure this Facebook thing out. My inability to understand it makes me think that I’m a troglodyte.Report
It’s Twitter for people who regularly need just one more sentence.Report
Two sentences damn you.
Libertarians. Not only do you want my grandma to starve to death but then you have to go and mock Facebook. The humanity.Report
Would you like to take my wife’s “which one of my cats are you?” quiz?
I will find you the link.Report
Was the $20K fine enough? Maybe when Taitz becomes a real lawyer she will appreciate what just happened. I wonder if she is a mail order bride, just like her law degree? She is perfect reporter material for “Fake News”, where unfounded rumors and innuendo reign supreme , unlike a our US courts of law, where you need to present facts, not half baked lies. After several times of flying into the lights, flies get burned, Taitz just got burned, thing is, she will continue, no end in sight. Poor Birthers they hate and can’t debate.
A lawyer, dentist, realtor, black belt, I must say she is a Jack of all trade master of none.Report