Won’t Someone Think of the Children?
Thoreau goes off on child car seat laws, apparently without realizing just how burdensome those laws have become. These laws are, in my mind, an excellent example of how safety regulations can easily go amok...
Thoreau goes off on child car seat laws, apparently without realizing just how burdensome those laws have become. These laws are, in my mind, an excellent example of how safety regulations can easily go amok...
I must say, these “birther” conspiracy-theorists really have put a tether on their imaginations. Why stop at Obama’s birth, for instance? I personally not only believe that Obama was born in Kenya, I believe...
Blake Hurst takes the “agri-intellectuals” to task. I think he does make quite a few good points. I’m not an agri-intellectual myself, nor do I know a great deal about food in general beyond...
I just finished Friday–a day before my 30th birthday–a 12 week super intense training regime. Have you ever seen the running Colbert skit called “The Craziest F@#!*ng Thing I’ve Ever Heard”? It’s one of...
President Obama’s mundane beverage selection at last week’s beer summit was roundly condemned by the hip, politically-inclined set, and as much as I’d love to write a counter-intuitive defense of watery beer (paging David...
The Associated Press descends into madness and takes the first few, loping steps toward irrelevance: