Tech Tuesday – Puppy Power Edition
Got to see the dam at The Dalles, in OR, which is a massive concrete structure on the Columbia with 22 turbines, a fish ladder, and a shipping lock.
Got to see the dam at The Dalles, in OR, which is a massive concrete structure on the Columbia with 22 turbines, a fish ladder, and a shipping lock.
Em is back on Wednesday Writs this week, tackling Bad Elk v. US and misconceptions about fighting the law. Also, some Trump news both good and bad, a Penn professor/provocateur, Katy Perry the Christian rap song thief, a tweet-worthy dumb criminal and more.
And if that isn’t the coolest damn thing you read all day…
People talk about American Greatness. Well, astrophysics, if I do say so myself, is one the places where America is truly great.
Your Wednesday Writs for this week include eminent domain and little pink houses, creepy judges, Trump above the law, Trump violating the law, a true crime and literary fraud, a dumb criminal, and more.
To be honest, this is the first I’ve heard of Octonions, and when I first read the title, I wasn’t entirely certain they weren’t talking about a layered root vegetable.
This week’s Writs include Santeria, a couple of alleged perverts, updates on the case against Botham Jean’s killer, Amazon faces product liability, Sublime and more.
This week: 2 Live Crew, SCOTUS updates, bad lawyers, bad judges, really bad judges, and the worst judges. Also: Weird Al.
Your Wednesday Writs are packed: SCOTUS on flag burning, the first familial DNA murder trial; THAT lawyer, dumb criminals, the F word and more.
Ravelry didn’t just come out of the blue with their banning of all things Donald Trump. There is a messy ball of yarn to untangle here.
Star Control had some Drama. Luckily, it ended like a Comedy.
It’s Wednesday Writs, West Virginia Day edition! WV Day isn’t until tomorrow, but now is a good time to brush up on how we became a state, in our case of the week. Also: several SCOTUS updates, a “Cops” expose, John Denver, and more!
Why does it always take longer to unpack than to pack it all up?
This week: the Christian burial case, Alabama on a roll, lawful lemonade & lawless ice cream trucks, a cephalon in dispute, and Masterpiece Cakeshop, again.
It is so good to be back in WA, where the sun does not assault your skin! TT01 – We should do this with every major bridge. Not just the installation of sensors, but...
Our weekly roundup of the best law and legal related news around the web includes SCOTUS on the First Amendment, Anti-SLAPP and licensing reform out of Colorado, Jeopardy leaks and, as always, badly behaving lawyers and dumb criminals.
Wednesday Writs are back with the Scopes Monkey Trial, SCOTUS updates, dumb lawyers and dumber criminals.
When people’s children are more likely to survive, they have fewer of them. This is a great triumph of the modern era.
This week’s Wednesday Writs include the backstory of Miranda, history making beauty queens, good news for ninjas and hippies, dumb criminals, and more.