Friday Open Thread
Image via Daylife.
Speaking of defenestration….this picture seemed oddly appropriate for an open thread. If you’ve ever been to Prague Castle, perhaps the most amazing thing about the defenestration monuments (which denote where several politicians from the Second Defenestration of Prague landed – and lived thanks to a fortuitously located pile of manure) is just how far they are from the window. Angry citizens can have superhuman strength it would seem.
Dragon Age comes out Tuesday!!! (We’ve had a fairly large number of really good titles come out in the last month… Uncharted 2, Demon’s Soul, Ratchet and Clank: Crack in Time… and that’s not even counting the genres I don’t care for).
This is going to be an *AWESOME* Christmas season, I tell you what.Report
In Honor of the Late Friday Genius Ten:
1.) “Lisztomania” – Phoenix
2.) “Sleepyhead” – Passion Pit
3.) “D.A.N.C.E.” – Justice
4.) “Paris Is Burning” – Ladyhawke
5.) “Heavy Cross” – Gossip
6.) “My Moon My Man” – Feist
7.) “1901” – Phoenix
8.) “Gamma Ray” – Beck
9.) “Blind” – Hercules and Love Affair (I think this was on the last list I posted)
10.) “Fa-Fa-Fa” – Datarock
Unrelatedly, has anyone else read American Lion and can we discuss just how crazy Andrew Jackson was. I mean Nixon had an enemies list but Jackson actively beat his enemies to a pulp, when he wasn’t dueling them.Report
I have spent way too much time researching web hosts. I’d much rather be playing video games.Report
(It’s made by Bioware whom you may remember from such video games as “Jade Republic”, “Mass Effect”, and “Knights of the Old Republic” (famous for making geeks weep while asking “why couldn’t the movie have been this good?”).)Report
“Knights of the Old Republic” (famous for making geeks weep while asking “why couldn’t the movie have been this good?”
Call of Duty World at War – Zombie Mode
We pile them up like sandbags.Report
From Wikipedia:
tried two Imperial governors, […] found them guilty, and threw them, together with their scribe Philip Fabricius, out of the windows of the Bohemian Chancellery
Talk about killing the messenger.Report
If you’re not part of the solution…Report
Hey Jaybird, I think you inspired someone in Canada:
The 12-step program for the Liberals.
Yours was better.Report
I blush and am now devouring the link!Report
Heh, the first comment is a variant of “the other guys are worse!”Report