“You want this, don’t you? The hate is swelling in you now.”
I’m a lifelong Mets fan (my first game was 1982, and I remember watching just about every game during the Summer of Doc, not to mention the summer of ’86), so I’m genetically wired to despise both teams in this year’s World Series. What I didn’t understand until last night was that my hatred of the Yankees runs so deep, I found myself not only rooting against them, but actively rooting for the Phillies to embarass the living $%@! out of them. The weirder thing is, I don’t even feel dirty about this.
I saw a blurb a week or so ago that said it’s really hard to root for millionaires that date Hollywood chicks. Although we know they aren’t, we all like to think of our sports stars as blue collar.Report
At least there are something’s we can all come together and agree upon.
Yuck the fankee’s
Phillies PhanReport
Last night was a sublime baseball experience. Not Don Larson okay, but we have a new “The Catch”…Report