Monthly Archive: May 2015
How do Lawyers have Sex?
When we discussed Laura Kipnis’s article on “sexual paranoia” in academia here, most thought she was off base. Well, rest assured,
Blanket Training
The Josh Duggar Scandal is really about the cult of ATI and other Christian publishers, a radical cult that fosters abuse of children and women in the name of Christ to benefit a Christianist publishing industry.
Linky Friday #117: Oil Everywhere
This week! Labor, Education, Resource, Politics, and the United States!
Why I Am A Secularist: Icky Scandal Edition
In which the comparative fallout of the recent Duggan and LaCour scandals act as an illustration of why, despite my best efforts otherwise, I choose to continue to turn to science and not religion.
On the one hand, they should have given him a medal
On the other hand, at least they didn’t shoot him.
Two Politicians Who Didn’t Say Quite The Reprehensible Things Said Of Them
…Although what they actually did say is really weird.
Briefly, On Watching Basketball and Advertising
I’ve been watching the NBA playoffs this year. The matchups have been good, but not great, and some of the teams that I’ve wanted to advance – San Antonio, I’m looking at you –...
New Year Resolutions: Half-time assessment and goal revision.
Taking stock of my weight-loss goals and my progress so far.
NFL Extortion, and Point(s)-After
Three former Los Angeles teams are looking at moving back to Los Angeles, and they’re trying to make PAT’s more boring. I approve of neither of these developments.