A Customer Service Worker’s Confession
Gabriel Conroy ponders the slights he has offered to others during his time as a customer service agent.
Gabriel Conroy ponders the slights he has offered to others during his time as a customer service agent.
Well, with Game of Thrones over for another nine months or so, and with most of the folks here either done with the books or bored with them, the question naturally bubbles to the fore. “Now What?” I recommend Worm, by Wildbow. Click through for mostly non-spoilery reasons to fall in love with another world.
After college, Miss Mary opted for a career that served others rather than made her wealthy. Years later, she reflects on the rewards — and price – of such a choice.
Just how close do I get to religion? Let me tell you.
Professionals can get things wrong, but that doesn’t mean you’ve got it right.
In the future, we will all be adjuncts of one kind or another.
By the fence the lilies grow lush and green and tall spreading into new frontiers conquering all challengers but never blooming untouched by the sun always and what is a lily without a flower...
Am I allowed to be annoyed that I just saw an ad for a HISTORY channel Reality TV show program called “Biker Battle Phoenix” or has the shipped already sailed on words having meanings?
The jobs I’ve had since I have been responsible for paying for my own housing, food, healthcare, etc., have been, in order: Freelance photo-assistant, Freelance commercial photographer and sometime ad copywriter, Freelance filmmaker, Boat-builder, Day-sailing charter captain.
This is sort of symposium-related, though I won’t tag it as such because it’s mostly of a personal nature.
For the Work Symposium, a reposting of the best career advise I have.
So who’s adjusting their odds on Brazil winning the whole tournament? Meanwhile, I’m enjoying my surmountable lead over my soccer-knowledge-superiors Burt and Mark.