Monthly Archive: September 2012

What’s the Matter with New York?

Two months ago, which is, like, 49 months in blog-months, Kevin Drum suggested there was a very good essay to be written called “Why People Hate Liberals.” This is not that essay. But it reminded me...

Teacher Hatred and Class Warfare

(There’s a fairly lengthy thought-piece introduction here. If you’re simply trawling for education policy arguments, make like a choose-your-own-adventure reader and turn directly to Section II.) I. One of the best parts about being...

Hate Crimes on the Razor’s Edge

by Glyph Last week, sixteen Amish men and women in Ohio were convicted of federal Hate Crimes and could serve several decades in Federal prison for cutting the hair and beards of other Amish in the...

Fairness and the Agent’s Cut

In the spirit of American football season, here are a few quick questions relating to NFL agents and their cut of the players’ pay. As far as I can tell, there seems to be...

Friday Jukebox

Well, since no one else has done a jukebox, I’ll put one up. I’m crushing on Curtis Mayfield today, but since, as the token Canuck, I feel compelled to offer some CanCon, here’s Bran Van 3000...

Boomer Sooner

It has come to my attention that Oklahoma will soon be an “Open Carry” state. My views on gun control are… well… let’s just say that I’m glad Canada doesn’t have a 2nd Amendment....

Voting Part II: Vote Like No One’s Watching

For the impatient: I’m endorsing Gary Johnson. Recap: As discussed in Part I, flipping one individual vote will not decide the presidential election. For voters in virtually every state, we know this with 100%...

Mugged By Their Own Narrative

As Team Romney continues the process of self-immolation, various journalists have discerned a pattern in conservative reactions to his collapse. Echoing Richard Cohen’s column from several days ago, Fareed Zakaria notices that Romney is...

Social Media

Not really safe for work. Still, an interesting use of social media scraping.

The Birth of a (Whiskey) Barrel

Yesterday someone sent me a link to a cool video at Devour. A description from the site: A look inside Brown-Forman Cooperage in Louisville, Kentucky where Jack Daniels, unlike any other major distiller in...


New Facts on the Elizabeth Warren UPL Issue

Professor Jacobson has uncovered this morning a case in which Elizabeth Warren entered an appearance in a federal appellate court as a representative of a Massachusetts client in a case that appears to have...

The Drone at the Door

Yesterday the international law clinics of NYU and Stanford released an in-depth study of drone strikes in Pakistan, looking at the controversial practice’s legality, efficacy, and how it affects innocent Pakistanis who must live...