Daily Archive: January 13, 2012

Bain: Makes a Man Take Things Over

Last night, I watched the anti-Romney 30-minute “documentary” from a Gingrich Super PAC, “King of Bain,” and I must say that — save the periodic forays into lowest-common denominator xenophobia — one would think...

The Amish, Imagery, and 9/11

In response to Mike’s emergency preparedness post, BlaiseP discusses the role of community in emergencies and specifically his experiences with the Amish in his area of Wisconsin, writing; The Amish around here have been...

The Novelist and the Civil War

Because I’m behind the times (the Internet times, that is—they move so fast and I’m already stuck at least a decade ago), I’ve just now gotten around to reading Ta-Nehisi Coates’ long-form article on...

Rethinking Rural and Urban Investment

In June 2008 David Hawpe of the Courier Journal wrote an interesting piece asking “Where should we focus, town or country?”  Hawpe’s question was based on an effort by the Center for Rural Strategies to create...