Daily Archive: December 15, 2011

LoOG Exclusive: Ask a Republican

[We premiere a new feature @ LoOG: Republicans are a largely unknown and alien race here.] Few LoOGies observe Republicans in their natural habitat: Talk Radio comes in only through Media Matters’ accounts of...

The problem with [books].

Wired: “One of the biggest complaints about [books] is that they are used to consume, not create. If you give your kid a computer, she can program, write, draw, and endlessly create. [Books] posses...

Hobbes: Notes on Leviathan

Karl Marx once said that he wouldn’t consider himself to be a “Marxist” and reading Leviathan I don’t find that Hobbes was quite as “Hobbesian” as he’s made out to be either. Often, he’s described as...

Rational’s Not In It

On the new Medicare proposal from Paul Ryan and Ron Wyden, Digby writes: One might have thought the prudent thing would be to wait and see how the health care reforms work before throwing...

Journalism Is More Than Just Quoting Speeches

(Image via The Atlantic: Humvees sit parked in a courtyard at Camp Liberty in Baghdad, on September 30, 2011.(Reuters/Mohammed Ameen) Today, as every major news outlet is reporting, the Iraq war has officially been...

The Great Cases, No. 1

At my sub-blog, I have begun a series of analyses of significant cases in U.S. Supreme Court history. If you’re interested, please drop by and peruse my gloss on Marbury v. Madison. (I described...

How Civil Liberties Die

In a bit of news that obviously isn’t important — it didn’t make the front page of the Washington Post — President Obama has withdrawn his veto threat for the National Defense Authorization Act,...