Monthly Archive: December 2011

Thermomixed Up, Part 6: Enough is Enough (For This Year)

(Previously, Parts 1,  2,  3 , 4 and 5) Since the subject of this long (and getting longer!) discursion is possessions, wealth and culture; and since I have (nominally) positioned myself, on the subject of consumerism, as a scold, let’s...

Blood and the Treasury

Forgive me: another post born from the intellectual wellspring that is Ron Paul’s Iowa boomlet. But this one has little to do with the man himself. Instead, I want to take a closer look...

Collective Bargaining

Joe went back out out to Arizona to visit his family, so this week it’s been me and Dave in the shop, slinging epoxy and trading stories. This one was especially amusing, especially since...

Friday Night Jukebox

My first Friday Night Jukebox. This one is purely self-indulgent so please forgive. The afternoon set from Phish’s legendary Big Cypress concert on NYE 1999. Somewhere in the crowd I am dancing with my friends,...

Sic Semper Tyrannis!

Oy.  In what will surely generate some interesting mental gymnastics from Koz and others attempting to explain how awesome this idea is/is really done more by liberals, the Virginia GOP willow require voters to...

Farmers Forging Partnerships

One of the subjects I am most passionate about is the notion of creating urban-suburban-rural partnerships to drive economic prosperity. Much of this interest lays in my own experience of traveling frequently between my job in...

The Winds of Winter Sample Chapter

As you might expect given the title, this post is going to contain some spoilers for A Song of Ice and Fire, right up through the end of the last book (A Dance With...

The Tort of Political Discrimination

I’d like to raise a subject for discussion that is not that walking, talking amalgamation of ambiguity that goes by the name of “Ron Paul” because I think there’s plenty of talk about him going on...

A Third Kind of Green Libertarians Should Care About

The environment is a tricky issue for libertarianism, in many ways environmental issues are “ideologically inconvenient” for libertarians – life would be easier if they didn’t exist.  Of course that’s not sufficient reason to...

What Creates Success?

Shortly after starting my first job as a grocery clerk, which required me to wear a white oxford shirt every day, my dad showed me how to hand-wash my collar before it went in...

The Dueling Identities of Congressman Ron Paul

I think it’s fair to say that, Barack Obama aside, no politician of the current moment has attracted as passionate, enduring, and diverse a following as Ron Paul. The heterogeneity of their constituents is probably...

Why I Support Ron Paul

Far be it from me to pass up an opportunity to add to the cacophony of Ron Paul posts. When is the last time someone with such a small probability of becoming the next...

A (Mostly) Unnecessary Introduction

For a long time I’ve gone by the alias ‘Mike at The Big Stick’ around the internet so it will probably take some time for me to get used to writing under my real...

The Great Cases, No. 2

The next installment of my Great Cases series is available at my sub-blog. Today’s offering — Fletcher v. Peck. I offer you political corruption, the origin story of the states of Alabama and Mississippi, and...