Monthly Archive: November 2011

OWS: Time to Grow Up

(Photo of “An empty Zuccotti Park” by @jimbradysp via Andrew Sullivan) Yesterday, Elias Isquith asked what should occupy Wall Street do next?  His own answer is that OWS should rally against “voter suppression.”  Doing so, Isquith...

Epidemiological Politics

MSNBC reports “Pelosi fires back at report on ‘insider trading’”. A television report that questioned whether members of Congress are making investment decisions based on insider information drew a heated response from former House...

Veterans Day

On January 23rd, 1941, Ory and Ethel (Lettie) Freeland signed the following: “We the undersigned, being the father and mother of Maurice H. Freeland, a minor, an applicant for enlistment in the United States...