Monthly Archive: April 2010

Butler 57, Duke 53

Butler basketball can be soporific, but every red-blooded American should be rooting for the mid-major underdog tonight. For the Duke-haters (personally, I’m agnostic): An impressively comprehensive take-down from SB Nation. For those who can’t...

Auserity Measures

Via National Review, here’s an interesting article on Lithuania’s belt-tightening response to the financial crisis: Faced with rising deficits that threatened to bankrupt the country, Lithuania cut public spending by 30 percent — including slashing...

Pop Quiz

From Foreign Policy: Which country has the highest percentage of its population in a DNA database? The answer, which may surprise you, is below the fold:

____, baby, ____!

Sarah Palin: “Stall, baby, stall“. This is, of course, a variation on, “Drill, baby, drill!” That seems to be a variation of “Burn, baby, burn!” which has always struck me as strange, since the...

Secret Smut

A quirky window into consumer behavior: As e-readers boom, bibliophiles take advantage of online anonymity to purchase more trashy romance novels. Will science fiction and fantasy authors enjoy similar dividends?