Food Politics & the Moral Effects of Spaghetti

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16 Responses

  1. trizzlor says:

    I liked the article, but (just like the author, it seems) I still understand what Le Fooding is a lot less than I understand Futurism and the New Wave. Cutting away the BS, it seems like food criticism that is more concerned with quality and originality than with decor and “standards”. Which doesn’t strike me as a particularly innovative idea, at least in terms of American food critics, who often take as much pleasure in finding a delicious but grimy dive as they do a pricey Michelin. Is there something deeper to it than that?

    While we’re on the topic of interesting food writing, I would recommend meatpaper – an art magazine about meat.Report

  2. Rufus F. says:

    It might be that the French context doesn’t translate so well. The article says that the goal is “in part a move to épater la bourgeoisie”. In French culture, it’s still very easy to actually shock the bourgeoisie with one’s gastronomic tastes. I don’t know that it’s actually so easy to do that in America, even if food debates come down to class there too. How would you go about doing that in the US?Report

    • trizzlor in reply to Rufus F. says:

      @Rufus F., Off the top of my head, it seems like the US has been doing this for a while now with $100 burgers (w/ truffle) and the recent popularity (in NYC at least) of high-class pizza places. Although, one could argue that this is a way of elevating prole food in the least shocking way possible.Report

  3. Jason Kuznicki says:

    Why not cite what Futurist food was really famous for? I mean, of course, Chicken with Ball Bearings:

    ‘It’s a question of how far to go down the route of madness,’ says Jon Fawcett, the British Library event organiser who proposed the idea for the banquet. Most obviously this means it’s a question of how to preserve the menu’s eccentricity while also making it enjoyable, and indeed edible enough for people who have splashed out £75 for the event. ‘I was personally quite keen to serve chicken with ball bearings. You cut open the chicken and ball bearings pour out. For some reason,’ he smiles wryly, ‘the committee couldn’t be persuaded.’

    You want crazy? They’ve got crazy.Report

  4. Rod Dreher says:

    I am slightly obsessed by how most of my fellow conservatives cannot discuss food without going berserk over class consciousness and, of course, resentment. I concluded that anybody who judges someone as the Enemy because they like French cheese is a cultural Marxist, no matter how right-wing they profess to be, and therefore a mindless despiser of excellence. And I fart in their general direction.Report

  5. A.R.Yngve says:

    Attempts to politicize food are, in the long run, futile. Only religions manage to actually force people to eat/not eat this or that. (BTW, Thou Shalt Not Eat Clams – the Old Testament forbids it!)Report