Monthly Archive: April 2010

You say goodbye, I say Kelo

Justice John Paul Stevens is retiring after a long and distinguished career with many applaudable decisions. But, before we all start to tear up, Lexington reminds us about his opinion in Kelo v New...

More on Confederate Apologia

I should have linked this yesterday, but Transplanted Lawyer’s barrage on Confederate apologia makes a fitting companion piece to the Ta-Nehisi Coates post.  Not only fitting, but a particularly succinct disposal of virtually all...

“The Ghost of Bobby Lee”

There are few things in life I find more intellectually compelling and challenging than a considered piece by Ta-Nehisi Coates.  This is such a piece.

Responsibility of Education

by Mike at the Big Stick A recent conversation has led me to do some deep thinking on the issue of school integration, more commonly known as ‘busing’. Let me preface this post by...

Beating the 10 Books Horse

Ezra at Popehat is still playing the “10 Influential Books” game.  I’d hate to allow him to feel like he’s the only one still playing, and besides, today is the single best day of...

New atheism and the cult of victimhood

[updated] ‘Odious as the physical abuse of children by priests undoubtedly is, I suspect that it may do them less lasting damage than the mental abuse of bringing them up Catholic in the first...

Kaus for the Court!

My extreme long-shot replacement idea for John Paul Stevens is … Mickey Kaus! In one surprise move, Obama would have saved Barbara Boxer from a dark-horse primary threat and confounded all the partisans lining...

The last word on porn

For those interested, co-blogger Matthew Schmitz posted a link to the Witherspoon Institute pornography study discussed at length here.

Why Glee Should Only Be One Season

Glee returns tomorrow night for the second half of its first season.  What should be its only season in my book. I say this as a big fan of the show–a Gleek even perhaps....

Who’s Afraid of a Populist Party?

Could a populist political party be good for America? Jon Chait points to some fascinating data that suggests it would appeal to the views of many Americans: The most thorough breakdown of the electorate...

Plato: Timaeus, Critias, and Mystical Thinking

So, how does Plato explain interaction between the Forms, which are eternal, unchanging Being; and the physical world, which is changing (and mortal) Becoming? In the Timaeus treatise, he adds the clarifying concept of...