Faces of the Future
io9 points to composite sketches of our future faces from 1910 and 1993. The pictures from 1910 are particularly funny – I can’t help noticing that all of the Southern and Eastern European faces are not ones you’d want on the family mantlepiece (the “Magyar” looks like a disheveled Josef Stalin).
Ahhhh…Eugenics. Interestingly misguided scientists…
Anecdotally I have a picture of my grandfather’s football team from 1929. Most of the guys were probably 1st or 2nd generation Irish or American kids. I have to say that some of them look like no one I’ve ever seen before in my life. It’s hard to place but the American face has definitely evolved. I think it’s partially that most people were much more slender back then. The angles were more pronounced, etc.
I might also add the Italian guy in the photo was way ahead of his time in the hair department. His ancestors are still rocking that style on Jersey Shores.Report
Ugggh…Irish or German kids.Report