“Criminalizing everyone”
This op-ed should send chills up every law-abiding citizen’s spine (via Reason).
Tags: Crime
Will writes from Washington, D.C. (well, Arlington, Virginia). You can reach him at willblogcorrespondence at gmail dot com.
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Good grief.Report
It chilled me to the bone. I mean, what kind of low IQ individual would forget to put a friggin sticker on a box? If the wingnuts weren’t so stupid, they wouldn’t be in jail. It’s not the regulatory structure, it’s the people under it. We just need to “nudge” them to act properly.
/snark offReport
May I suggest that if you don’t like the representative government and/or the laws they pass according to our system, you could move to Somalia?Report
It’s a shame there wasn’t a party who was sort of soft on crime at some time in history. My guess is if there was they would have never allowed this to happen.Report
Hmmm that was a bit more rabidly partisan them I meant it. There were plenty of pols who did not support the growth of the prison industrial complex and ever spreading criminalization of stuff. I believe St. Ronnie stuck a stake in their hearts.Report
This is what happens when you hire commie-Dems to work in the fed. prosecutor’s office. You young fellows, instead of whining about missing your latest federal stipend outta check out this bs and write about it instead of waiting on some God-fearing conservative newspaper to bring you the latest news of librul, statist offenses against liberty!
Seriously, doesn’t this article give us just a hint that, perhaps, gummint’s gotten a little to big, and maybe it’s time to put a stop to this madness? I mean in a bi-partisan way?Report