Obama’s inconsistencies on health care

Erik Kain

Erik writes about video games at Forbes and politics at Mother Jones. He's the contributor of The League though he hasn't written much here lately. He can be found occasionally composing 140 character cultural analysis on Twitter.

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8 Responses

  1. Zach says:

    There’s a distinction between self-sufficient and appearing out of thin air. HR3200 provides $2B in start-up funding that is to be paid back into the treasury over a 10-year period. Obama’s clearly talking about the long-term when he says “self-sufficient” and I don’t really see the point in pretending not to understand that.Report

  2. Mark says:

    Yeah, seriously, why pretend that the public plan wouldn’t be able to borrow some money and pay it back? Are you asking the private plans to insure low-income people without getting the subsidies the government has promised them?Report

  3. Jaybird says:

    It’s just the camel’s nose, E.D.

    What’s the harm?Report

  4. mike farmer says:

    The answer is that it won’t be self-sufficient. It will be bloated with nepotism and political favors, expenses higher than private insurance company profits, and it will be funded in part by tax-payer money. When the regulations prevent private companies from covering many consumers without going broke, they will dump into the public plan, and it’ll incrementally take the place of private insurance companies — except for boutique companies for the rich — and these companies will likely be taxed to death.Report

    • richard in reply to mike farmer says:

      you wouldn’t be referring to something like this :
      The latest self-appointed car czar is Massachusetts’s own Barney Frank, who intervened this week to save a GM distribution center in Norton, Mass. The warehouse, which employs some 90 people, was slated for closure by the end of the year under GM’s restructuring plan. But Mr. Frank put in a call to GM CEO Fritz Henderson and secured a new lease on life for the facility. [full article]
      or this: Nonetheless, in December OneUnited got a $12 million injection from the Treasury’s Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. One apparent factor: the intercession of Rep. Barney Frank, the powerful head of the House Financial Services Committee.Report

  5. mike farmer says:

    Yes, something like that.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to mike farmer says:

      I imagine that it will, eventually, turn into something analagous to the education debate.

      There will be parts of the country where the health care is stellar.
      There will be parts of the country where the health care is not stellar.

      The only workable “solution” to helping the parts of the country where the health care is not stellar will be giving them more money. This won’t really result in better health care outcomes overall. It will be determined that not enough money will have been given.Report

  6. Michael Drew says:

    It will probably be very ineffective in any form that could possibly come into being. (Certainly at controlling costs via competition at any rate, which is the only measure I can think of by which to measure “effectiveness.” I mean, it’ll cover a few people, and presumably not fail outright at that if it comes into existence. That’s about all its charter would envision; hopes for cost containment etc. are just gravy.) But it will be there for some people who want it.Report