Category: Women’s Issues
Could the GOP Make Hay Out of Dobbs?
Answering the problem of the GOP dog having caught the Roe V. Wade car with the Dobbs ruling this past summer
Killing Themselves With Kindness, Then We Did Pilates
Still, to this day, RIGHT NOW, many many women do not feel comfortable having honest conversations with other women about abortion.
Woman, Controversial Woman
This current purgatory is unsustainable for all women–trans, cis or otherwise–where both the act of defining woman, and the act of not defining woman are each controversial.
A Boymom’s Thoughts on Girls’ Athletics
The tragedy of this situation is not that women’s athletic options are being eroded by girls who insist on playing with the boys.
Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn: The Sociosexual Kobayashi Maru
Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn is maybe the art-housiest of every art-house movie I’ve seen in at least the past ten years
Toxic Femininity: The Shadow to the Great Mother
For every “Terrible Father” there is a “Great Father” which means for every “Great Mother” there is a “Terrible Mother” and toxic femininity
Fertility Rates, The Environment, Misogyny and the Fate of the Human Race
Declining fertility rate is something to be concerned about. But our power to do anything about it is extremely limited.
Pepe Le Pew Is Not A Role Model
But at least Pepe Le Pew lays the issue of rape culture where it belongs, at the feet of men, rather than telling women it’s THEIR fault
Ramona Quimby Is Not A Role Model
I keep bumping up against the same theme. “Ramona Quimby is iconic because she’s so NAUGHTY!” these articles crow breathlessly.
More Andrew Cuomo Allegations Bring New Questions
“(Andrew Cuomo) also asked people not to rush to judgments before the investigation is concluded—a courtesy he has seldom shown”
Game of Thrones: Bad Romance
Game of Thrones has lots of coitus and very little of what leads into it, except when it’s rapey, in which case we see it in exacting detail
Game of Thrones Rewatch: She Schtups to Conquer
Let’s drop the “Daenerys Targaryen is SUCH a Mary Sue because too many men desired her.” That is misogyny wrapped up in an Internet meme.
A Brief Lesson on Etiquette From Negaoryx
A quick lecture on sexism and etiquette courtesy of Negaoryx.
Disney’s Enchanted: A Contrast Between Real Love and Fairytale Love
The contrast between real love and fairytale love is something we access through what we thought love was during our childhood
Privacy For Rape Victims, Whether They Want it or Not
It is utterly unsurprising nobody considered the impact of the law on victims or to ensure it did not further strip them of their will.
Help!! I Need Someone!
Women are not men, and because women are not men, a straightforward reversal of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope doesn’t work.
Wednesday Writs: Women’s Suffrage Turns 100
President Trump pardoned Susan B. Anthony, a federally convicted criminal. Her crime, officially, was violating The Enforcement Act of 1870.
Defenders of the Gold Bikini 3: In Which Leia Swoons and Dies
Women who grew up idolizing Leia in Star Wars wanted something MORE than just Leia swooning and dying from a malignant case of motherhood.